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A plant cell has chloroplasts which makes the plants food through the process of photosynthesis. Animals can find their own food so they don't need chloroplasts. Also a plant cell is square and an animal cell is either a circle or oval. Lastly, a plant cell has a cell wall and a cell membrane because the cell wall keeps in water, keeps out bacteria, and acts like a skeleton in a human body, to protect and support the plant cell.

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13y ago

SHAPE: Animal - round

Plant - rectangular


Plant - YES

STRUCTURE: Animal - only cell wall

Plant - cell wall and cell membrane

VACUOLES: Animal - one or more small ones

Plant - one large central one

PLASTIDS : Animal - NO

Plant - YES

CILIA: Animal - NO

Plant - YES

CENTRIOLES: Animal - YES on all

Plant - only in lower plant forms

The biggest two differences visible with a microscope are the shape, the presence or absence of a cell membrane, and the vacuole/s.

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Q: What is the diffrence between a plant cell and animal cell?
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What is the difference between plant cell and animal cell?

Plant cells have cell walls, chloroplasts for photosynthesis, and larger vacuoles compared to animal cells. Animal cells do not have cell walls, chloroplasts, or large vacuoles. Additionally, plant cells store energy as starch, while animal cells store energy as glycogen.

What is one difference between the animal and plant cell?

The most obvious difference between an animal cell and a plant cell is that animal cells have cell membranes, whereas plant cells have cell walls.

What is great different between plant and animal cell?

The greatest difference between the plant and animal cell is that the plant cell has a cellulose wall and the animal cell lacks this cell wall and is instead bordered by a cell mambrane.

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Answer this question...diffirences between plant and animal

What are the different and similarities between the plant cell and animal cell?

Animal cells have no cell Walls and plant cells have a cell wall

What is the main difference between animal and plant cells?

plant cell have wall ,animal cell don't.

What are the differences and the similarities between the plant and animal cell?

Animal cells have no cell Walls and plant cells have a cell wall

What is the difference between the animal cell and plant cell?

1) Plant cells have cell wall which is absent in animal cell. 2) Plant cell lack centrioles whereas animal cells have centrioles.

Is the cell wall a plant are animal cell?

The cell wall is in the plant cell. It is a significant difference between plant and animal cells. It is found in the Monera Kingdom in bacterial and fungal lifeforms, which is neither plant or animal.

What is the difference's between an animal and plant cell?

1) Plant cells have cell wall which is absent in animal cell. 2) Plant cell lack centrioles whereas animal cells have centrioles.

What is the difference between an animal cell and a pant cell?

A plant cell has a cell wall. An animal cell doesn't. A plant cell also contains chlorplast.

What are the main differences between plant cells and animal cells?

the plant cell is round and the animal cell is squered