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Q: What is the diffrens between an allagetor and a cocadile?
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One has got a longer face and one has got a small face.

how can you tell the diffrens in two breeds?

you can look it up or take a DNA test

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A DS lite is a slimer ds in which the lighting is better and the picture on games is much more colourull. DS is fat and the lighting is worse.

What is the diffrens bitwen rats and mice?

mice are smaller in comparison to their body i think mice have longer tails

Is six foot two and five foot four a big height diffrens?

Yes that's a 16 inch difference

What is the diffrens between chemical and kinitec energy?

Chemical energy is energy stored in the bonds of a molecule. It is released/used through chemical reactions and is a type of POTENTIAL energy. KINETIC energy is energy possessed by an object due to its motion.

What is the diffrens between a emo and a goth?

Emos are a little more colorful than goths. We can also be more outgoing. Goths can also be worshipers of the devil and do witchcraft where as that is not common among emos. If you google pictures of emos then goths you'll see the difference.

What is the diffrens between a church and church Billding?

A 'church' can refer to an entire denomination (i.e. 'the Baptist church', 'the Catholic church' etc..), to a congregation (the actual people who worship together) or to all Christians as a whole. The church building is the physical building - the walls and roof- where a congregation meets to worship.

What is the ball in your foot?

ball of foot means a ball has a foot stuck. to it so there is a diffrens beetween foot ball and ball foot. foot ball is a game with a ball. but ball of foot is when the foot is stuck to the ball! get it?

What is men diffrens beatween dbms and rdbms?

DBMS is the Database Engine itselflike MySql ServerRDBMS is the GUI (Graphical user interface)for any Database Engine which used inCRUD (Create, read, update and delete)like PHPmyAdmin

Do you say between she and him or between her and him?

The correct phrasing is "between her and him" because "her" is the objective form of the pronoun when serving as the object of the preposition "between."

Do you say between she and you or between she and you?

If I had to choose between "between she and you" and "between she and you" I would definitely go with "between her and you". :o)The part "she and you" is object in the sentence and it should therefore be "her and you".A way to remember it is that you would also say "between us" and not "between we".