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Under a cloud

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Q: What is the dingbats answer - Capital A over the word nimbus?
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Where are dingbats commonly found in the world?

Dingbats are most commonly offered on online websites. These websites will provide the code to place onto a word document to create the dingbat. Also, you can download software that allows you chose the dingbats with a simple click.

What nimbo and nimbus mean?

Nimbus is a Latin word meaning cloud or rain storm. Nimbo is a prefix and nimbus is a suffix. An example would be: Nimbostratus, a precipitating cloud.

What is the correct plural form of the word nimbus?


What does nimbo and nimbus mean?

Nimbus is a Latin word meaning cloud or rain storm. The prefix nimbo- or the suffix -nimbus indicates a precipitating cloud; for example, a nimbostratus cloud is a precipitating stratus cloud, and a cumulonimbus cloud is a precipitating cumulus cloud. And it starts from the bottom.

What latin word. related to clouds. mean rain?


What do the word nimbo and nimbus means?


What is the Latin meaning for Nimbostratus?

I don't know the answer i have to look over it in my science book thanks for asking though sorry for not knowing

2 examples of dingbats?

Open any word processing program. Find the Font Menu. Scroll down the fonts available on your computer. Go to the very end of the Font list to the ones called dingbats. Go crazy.

Which type of cloud's name comes from the Latin word meaning rain?


What type of cloud's name comes from the Latin word meaning Rain?


What do you think the root word nimbus means?

Nimbus means dark cloud and it is neither a prefix or a suffix.