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Abnormal hemoglobin is a lab result . First it is important to know what hemoglobin is, it is the stuff that fills your red blood cells. You will have to check with your doctor about the meanings of high hemoglobin or look it up online. But low hemoglobin generally signals a problem because there is not enough to fill the red blood cells. An abnormal hemoglobing test really doesnt tell me anything, you should also look at your bilirubin which tells how fast blood cells are being destroyed and the actual red blood celll count which may be labeled RBC or TBC for total blood cell count.

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It is called hemoglobinopathy .

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Abnormal hemoglobin in your blood cells. Hemoglobin is a protein in the blood cells that allows the cells to carry oxygen and gives them their red color. The abnormal hemoglobin causes the cells to turn from their usual donut shape to a C or sickle shape.

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