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I think this is a homework question on co-ordinates so rather than work it out for you, for YOUR benefit I'll explain the formal approach I believe to be the point of the exercise.

If by displacement you mean simply total distance walked then obviously it's 4+3+4 = 11 block widths, but I don't think that's the question.

- Consider the starting point as the origin (0,0).

- Consider each move East as + and a move West as - , both in the X-axis.

- Consider moves North and South as+ and - on the Y-axis, respectively.

- Consider each block as a square of side length = 1.

Now create the co-ordinates for each turning-point by expressing the moves themselves as co-ordinate pairs.

So the first move is

Origin + Move=

(0,0) + (-4, 0)

because the person has walked 4 West but neither N nor S. Adding those co-ordinates algebraically, i.e. observing the + and - signs correctly:

(0,0) + (-4,0) =(-4, 0).

So (-4, 0) is the walker's second location, the first being the Origin.

Now repeat the method. Add the 2nd move (0, -3) to that2nd location.

That creates his/her3rd location.

Take that 3rd location co-ordinate pair and add the 3rd, or final, move pair, again algebraically.

Yippee! You now have the destination location provided you've manipulated the numbers AND polarities (the + and - signs) correctly.

In fact you can establish it semi-intuitively from the question, but to do so doesneed practice in co-ordinates.

The fancy name for the"move" here is "vector", a value having magnitude (distance) and direction (E, W etc);but I wanted a more obvious term to helpyou grasp what's happening.

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In order to answer the question you need to assume that the block lengths remain the same if you move North or South, or if you move East or West. Is that a realistic assumption?

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Q: What is the displacement of a person who walks 4 blocks west then 3 blocks south then 4 blocks east?
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