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Q: What is the distance between -7 and 2 on a number line?
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What is the distance between 2 and 20 on a number line?

18 units ■

How can you find the distance between two numbers on a number line?

Just subtract the lowest number from the greatest number. For example, the distance between 3 and 8, is 8 - 3 = 5 units, the distance between -2 and 3, is 3 - (-2) = 3 + 2 = 5 units, the distance between -4 and -2, is -2 - (-4) = -2 + 4 = 2 units.

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The absolute value of a number is the distance the number is away from?

The absolute value of a number is the distance the number is away from 0. For example, on the number line 2 is 2 units from 0 So |2|=2. But, -2 is also 2units away from 0 on the number line, so |-2|=2 as well. In general for any real number x , |x| is the distance from x to 0 on the number line. That helps us see why if x is a negative number, the distance from zero must still be positive. So for x<0, |x| is -x. For example, if x is -2, the absolute value is -(-2) which is positive 2. In general is a and b are real numbers |a-b|=|b-a| and both are the distance between a and b. Now let a =0 and we have |-b|=|b|

What is the distance between -8 and plus 4 on a number line?

-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 There is a distance of 12.

What is the distance between 1 and -3 on a number line?


How do you find the shortest distance between two parallel lines?

The shortest distance between 2 parallel lines is a perpendicular drawn between 2 parallel lines the diagram shows it clearly 1 parallel line ------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | the vertical line is the shortest distance | | ------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd parallel line

What is the difference between actual distance traveled and straight line distance?

Actual distance travel is the total distance you actually traveled, including all the loops and curves. Straight line distance is the direct distance between the 2 places, in a straight line without a curve

What is Measurement and levels of measurement?

Measurement always deals with a distance of a line or a distance between to objects, distance between 2 points, and so on.

What number is between 2 and -3 on the number line?

The number directly in the middle of 2 and -3 on the number line is -0.5.

What is it the distance between Iran and Romania?

Straight line, between Teheran and Bucharest the distance is ca. 2 350 km.

What is the distance between 2 parallel lines measured along a perpendicular to the 2 lines?

The shortest distance between two paralle lines is the length of the line that is perpendicular to both line and intersects both.