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On average, Saturn is 79.69 light-minutes from the Sun, or 1.33 light-hours.

*This is normally measured in astronomical units (AU), and the average orbital distance of Saturn is 9.58 AU (about 9.5 times as far from the Sun as Earth is.

The range is from 9.02 AU (838,519,000 miles) at the closest to 10.05 AU (934,530,000 miles) at the farthest.

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Q: What is the distance between Saturn and the sun in lighthours?
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The distance between the sun and Saturn?

The distance from the sun to the planet Saturn is 9.948 astronomical units. This is a distance equal to 924.7 million miles.

Is Saturn a mile from the sun?

No. Saturn varies in distance from the sun between 838 million and 934 million miles.

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Just as far as Saturn, since it is one of Saturn's moons. The distance from a moon to its planet is insignificant, compared to the planet's distance to the Sun. Saturn's distance to the Sun varies, between about 9 AU, and about 10 AU.

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It is the same distance from the sun as Saturn. Saturn distance from the sun ranges from 1,513,325,783 km to 1,353,572,956 km.

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Saturn's distance from the sun?

The distance from Saturn to Earth is 821,190,000 miles, or 9 AU (Astronomical Units).

How far does Saturn get from the sun?

1 Astronomical Unit (1.00 AU) is the mean distance between Earth and the sun. 1 AU is approximately equal to 149,600,000 km Saturn's maximum distance from the sun is 10.044 AU.

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What is Saturn's astronomical unit from the sun?

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What is the Eccentricity of Saturn?

The orbital eccentricity of Saturn is 0.056. The distance between the Sun and Saturn differs by 155 million kilometers at its nearest and farthest points.

How far is Saturn from the sun in inches?

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How many kilometers is Saturn from the sun?

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