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190 miles taking this route:

  1. Take M4 LONDON, from Bristol, to M25(S) GATWICK @J4B.
  2. Take M25, around London, to M20 to the CHANNEL TUNNEL and DOVER (via M26 @ J5).
  3. Take M20 to the CHANNEL TUNNEL @J11A.
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4w ago

The distance from Bristol to the Channel Tunnel is approximately 200 miles.

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Q: What is the distance from Bristol to the channel tunnel?
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What is the driving distance to Barcelona from the euro tunnel?

The driving distance from the Channel Tunnel to Barcelona, Spain is 837.19mi / 1347.33km

What is the distance of the Euro Tunnel?

Eurotunnel is the company which owns and operates the Channel Tunnel between England and France.The Channel Tunnel is 50.5 Km (31.4 miles) long, of which 37.9 Km (23.5 miles) is underwater.

How far is the driving distance from London to Basel Switzerland?

The driving distance from London, UK to Basel, Switzerland is about 525 miles / 842 km on the A26.First of all you will have to get on either the CHANNEL TUNNEL or the DOVER-CALAIS FERRY. You can get to the Channel Tunnel and Dover via M20 (J11A off M20 to get to the CHANNEL TUNNEL), and to get to Dover, you will continue on A20 past the Channel Tunnel to DOVER. Once you get to Dover, you will follow signs to the FERRY. The distance from London to the Channel Tunnel is 60 miles; the distance from London to Dover is 70 miles.Take either the CHANNEL TUNNEL (recommended) or the DOVER-CALAIS FERRY (alternate) to CALAIS, FRANCE.From Calais, it is 750 km taking this route:Take A26 PARIS, from Calais, to A4 METZ-NANCY, in Reims.Take A4 to A35 MULHOUSE, in Strasbourg.Take A35 to BASEL, SWITZERLAND.For more info on the Channel Tunnel and the Ferry, see the related links below:

What is the name of the channel between Cardiff and Bristol?

The Bristol Channel, also the Severn Estuary.

What is the Channel Tunnel popularly called?

The Channel Tunnel is normally just called the Channel Tunnel. Road signs say "Channel Tunnel" on the English side, and "Tunnel sous la Manche" on the French side.

What is faster the channel tunnel or a ferry?

The Channel Tunnel is faster.

What is the name of the tunnel that runs under the English Channel and connects England to France?

This is known as the Channel Tunnel (or Chunnel), named for the English Channel. The Channel Tunnel is no longer referred to as the Chunnel, which was a media generated word when the tunnel first opened but not now.

What is the tidal range in the Bristol channel?

The Bristol Channel has the 3rd biggest tidal range in the world of 15m.

What are some nicknames of the channel tunnel?

The channel tunnel is also known as the chunnel.

What is the length of the channel tunnel?

The Channel Tunnel is 50.45 km or 31.35 miles.

Is the Bristol channel tideless?


Which rivers flow into the Bristol channel?

The River Severn is the main river that flows into the Bristol Channel.