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Q: What is the distance from the ground to the wing of an A380?
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How far is it from 747 aircraft wing to ground?

The distance from the tip of the 747 wing to ground is 6.8m / 22.31 ft

Is Airbus trying to make a plaine bigger than the a380?

No Airbus is not trying to make an plane bigger that the A380 but Boeing is. search blended wing on Google.

What is the takeoff distance of the Airbus A380?

3042 m

What is the wing span of the Airbus A380?

the airbus has a wing span of 99.8 metres ! huge! it s longer than the airbus itself! wow

What is the Airbus A380 wing made of?

A mixture of high grade Aluminum and 20% composite materials

What is the landing speed for the a380?

The A 380 approaches ground at 170 mph.

What distance is needed to take off an Airbus A380?

same as jumbo or delta.

What is take off distance for Airbus A380?

It is 9,020 feet. That is a long way.

What are Stresses in the wing of a wing in ground craft?


Wing span is defined as the distance from the leading edge of an airfoil to the trailing?

wingspan is defined as the distance from wing tip to wing tip

Why do the wings of an Airbus a380 bend when it lands?

The wings of any aircraft flex and bend all the time. They are supporting a lot of weight. -Next time you are in one, note where the wing tips are while on ground and later see them flex up when in flight.

Why does Airbus a 380 not have winglets?

Winglets have typically been added to existing wing designs to increase the total lift and reduce the vertices created by the wing tip. Airports expressed a desire for wingspans not to exceed 80m as this would cause major problems with gate and taxiway designs. The Airbus A380 has a wingspan of 79.65m, so adding winglets would not have been an option and the wing was also designed from scratch to reduce the aerodynamic need. To reduce the wing tip vortices, the A380 wing has 'wing tip fences', small vertical wings that extend above and below the wing tip.