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Q: What is the distance of Washington's Monument from the US Capitol Building?
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What is the distance between White House and Washington monument?

The Washington Monument is 1.2 miles west of the U.S. Capitol Building. The Washington Monument is located in about the middle of the National Mall, and the Capitol Building is at the Mall's eastern end.

What is the long strip between the Capitol Building and the Washington Monument called?

The National Mall is the name of the long strip between the Capitol Building and the Washington Monument. It is administered by the National Park Service.

Where is the entrance to the Washington monument?

At the base on the side facing the capitol building,

What is the distance from The Lincoln Monument to The Capitol Building?

The walking distance from the Washington Monument ot the Jefferson Memorial is about 4,224 feet (0.8 miles). The Jefferson Memorial is located on the tidal basin of the Potomac River, to the south of the Washington Monument.

Is Capitol Hill a hill or is it a monument?

well... Its a government monument I guess..

What is the park between the Capitol Building and the Washington Monument called?

The green space is the National Mall, which also includes the area west of the Washington Monument including the reflecting pool and the Lincoln Memorial.

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How many capital buildings are taller than the US Capitol Building?

The Washington Monument is the tallest building in DC. It stands at 555 feet. Compare the height to the capital building's 288 feet.

What is the name of the capitol building in Wyoming?

The name of the state capitol building in Cheyenne, Wyoming is "Wyoming State Capitol" or "Wyoming State Capitol Building".

Is the Washington Monumet taller then the Eiffel or the Eiffel?

The actual monument is taller than the actual Capitol, but the Capitol is on top of Capitol Hill. Therefore, the US capital is higher in the air than the Washington Monument. No buildings in DC are allowed to be higher than the Capitol on top of Capitol Hill.

What is the long green space in front of the US capitol called?

This is the National Mall, which includes the grassy space from the Capitol to the Washington Monument, and the western end containing the Lincoln Memorial and its reflecting pool.

Was flight 93 heading for the white house?

it isn't known for sure but it is speculated that it was targeted at that the capitol building, the Washington monument even but it isn't known for certain