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I'm studying Aerospace design engineering and had this question asked to us, I calculate its around 0.111 Cd

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Q: What is the drag coefficient of a blue whale falling vertically and horizontally?
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What are similarities between toothed whales and Baleen Whales?

they both are whales. they both are mammals. they both live in the ocean. They both eat fish. They both nurse their young, are endo-thermic, breath air. They all have blubber. they are carnivorous their tails are connected horizontally, and move in an up and down motion

What are motifs in the whale rider?

In the story, the whale represents life and death. When Koro Apirana, Rawiri, and the guys are in the meeting house discussing what should be done, Koro Apirana states that if the whale dies, we die. If the whale lives, we live. So that shows that the whale is life and death to them. This was said by Koro when the ancient bull whale was washed up on Whangara probably because that was the bull whale that was rode by Kahutia Te Rangi. Also, the whale is the mammal which brought them to the land in the first place. If Paikea (ancestor) hadent rode the whale, they wouldn't be in New Zealand. the rope is also a symbol in whale rider because it symbolises the ancestral line of the Maori community that they live in.when the rope is broken it symbolises the community falling apart. paikea then fixes the rope and this is as if she has rejoined the community.

What kinds of whale are there?

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Is the blue whale a toothed whale or a ballen whale?

The blue whale is a baleen whale.

What are the whales that are near New Zealand?

Some species of whale near New Zealand would be: Souther Right Whale, Minke Whale, Bryde's Whale, Blue Whale, Fin Whale, Humpback Whale, Pygmy Right Whale, Spectacled Porpoise, Sperm Whale, Pygmy Sperm Whale, Dwarf Spermy Whale, Cuvier's Beaked Whale, Giant Beaked Whale, Shepherd's Beaked Whale, Bottlenose Whale, Andrew's Beaked Whale, Blainville's Beaked Whale, Ginkgo-toothed Beaked Whale, Hector's Beaked Whale, Layard's Beaked Whale and the Pilot Whale.

What are some marine mammals in Alaska?

The walrus. Beluga whale. Blue whale. Bowhead whale. Chinese whale. Fin Whale. Gray Whale. Humpback Whale. Right Whale. Sel Whale. Sperm Whale. Steller Sea lion.

What are 2 other types of baleen whales?

•Bowhead Whale, Northern and Southern Right Whale, Pygmy Right, Gray Whale, Humpback Whale, Blue Whale, Fin Whale, Sei Whale, Bryde's Whale,and the Minke Whale.

What are the top10 biggest whales?

In order of largest to smallest Blue whale Fin whale Sperm whale Bowhead whale Sei Whale North Pacific Right Whale Southern Right whale North Atlantic Right whale Bryde's whale Gray whale

Is the white whale a toothed whale or a baleen whale?

toothed whale you idot

Is the humpback whale a baleen whale or a toothed whale?

The Humpback whale is a baleen.

What is bigger a fin whale or a gray whale?

Fin whale. It is the 2 largest whale.

What are 6 types of whales?

Blue whale, Sperm whale, humpback whale, Gray whale, Minke whale and Right whale. Other species include, Orca whale, Beluga whale, and Bowhead whale. There are a few more but these are all I could think of right now.