

Best Answer

Between: Washington, DC

and: Akron, OH

Driving miles: 350

Driving time: 6 hrs 15 mins

This approximate driving time and mileage information is based on traveling non-stop in good driving conditions. Driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend travel time. These can include weather, road work, border crossings, and rush hour traffic in urban areas. Mileage denotes actual road miles covered as opposed to Point A to Point B linear distances on a map.

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Q: What is the driving time between Akron OH and Washington D.C.?
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How long of a drive from akron Ohio to Washington D.C.?

The driving distance between Akron, OH and Washington, DC is approximately 350 miles. The driving time would be approximately 6 hours 30 minutes if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work, border crossings and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)

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The driving time is a bout 1.5-2 hours.

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The driving time is about 8.5 hours depending on traffic conditions.

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The driving distance between Akron, OH and Indianapolis, IN is approximately 300 miles. The driving time would be approximately 5 hours if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work, border crossings and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)

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Given is the calculated distance as well as the driving travel time, which does not take into account driving conditions, traffic, etc. The distance between Akron, Ohio and St. Augustine, Florida is 900 miles. The resulting travel time is 14 hours and 52 minutes.

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Using Google Maps one is able to calculate the distance as well as the driving travel time. The distance between Akron, Ohio and Asheville, North Carolina is 497 miles. The resulting travel time is 8 hours and 9 minutes.

What is the driving distance between Atlanta GA and Akron OH?

The driving distance between Akron, OH and Atlanta, GA is approximately 695 miles. The driving time would be approximately 11 hours if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work, border crossings and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)

What is the driving distance between Akron Ohio and Charlotte North Carolina?

The driving distance between Akron, OH and Charlotte, NC is approximately 480 miles. The driving time would be approximately 8 hours if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work, border crossings and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)

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The driving distance between Akron, OH and Detroit, MI is approximately 195 miles. The driving time would be approximately 3 hours 15 minutes if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work, border crossings and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)

How long does it take to drive from Akron NY to Illinois?

The distance between Akron, NY, and Illinois is 682 miles and will take approximately 11 Hours 8 Minutes of driving time.

What is the driving time from akron Ohio to portland Maine?

The driving distance between Akron, OH and Portland, ME is approximately 745 miles. The driving time would be approximately 12 hours if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work, border crossings and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)

What is the driving distance between Chattanooga TN and Akron OH?

Google Earth cites the shortest driving distance as 590 miles - with a driving time of 8 hours 25 minutes.