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The driving distance between Tucson, AZ and Scottsdale, AZ is approximately 115 miles. The driving time would be approximately 2 hours 15 minutes if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)

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Q: What is the driving time frame from tucson Arizona to scottsdale Arizona?
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What can cause a rear tire to wobble?

Bad bearing is one problem. A bent rim can do that. Or, of you have ever been in any situation that would cause the frame to bend; a wreck, driving into a ditch, hitting a curb too hard, all of these things can cause this. You can fix any of the above except frame damage. Once frame damage occurrs, its almost impossible to fix, unless you want to take the car apart back down to the frame, then have someone fix it.