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Q: What is the dual nature of light talking about?
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Is sound exhibits dual nature or not?

If you're talking about the "wave-particle duality", then no.

Why is light said to have dual matter?

It means that if you design an experiment to detect the behavior of particles, andrun light through it, light behaves as if it's made of particles. And if you design anexperiment to detect the behavior of waves, and run light through it, light behavesas if it's made of waves. Light has a "dual nature". That means it acts like two thingsthat we always thought were separate ... waves andparticles.

What scientist said light has a dual nature?

Light was thought either to consist of waves by Huygens or of particles by Newton.

What is meant by Albert Einstein's idea that light has a dual nature?

Light is meant to help you see but if too bright it can blind you.

Is a visual light a transverse wave?

Light has a dual nature, as outlined by Albert Einstein. That means that light has properties of both transverse waves and particles.

Who proposed the dualistic nature of light and extended this idea to electrons?

In 1924 de Broglie proposed that a material particle such as an electron might have a dual nature.

Who Discovered the Dual nature of radiations?

Louis De Broglie in 1921 discovered the dual nature of radiations

What law explains dual nature of light?

The wave-particle duality theory. This explains why sometimes light appears to travel as a wave, and why sometimes it appears to travel as a particle.

What is a dual nature?

Victorians for kids

What is Dual nature?

Victorians for kids

Why light posses dual nature?

light travel as a wave but it carries photon which is consider to be a photon done function as a particle and wave motion made effect as wave.

Why are things transparent?

Because the light waves travel through its molecules. Alternative answer: Light waves have a dual nature; one electromagnetic and another a photonic wave. These waves travel through air, hitting all kinds of objects. Some of these objects are transparent (glass), which allow the light waves to pass only in the form of photonic wave. After the light wave pass through the object (glass), it obtains back its dual nature.