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Q: What is the earlest age that a male Persian cat can effectively breed?
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What is the earlest age a Persian male can breed effectively?

6 months old

Can you breed a Maltese male dog to a Persian female cat?

No, cats and dogs are two separate species and cannot mate.

Need a female Persian cat for breeding in Mumbai?

hv a 5 month old pure breed female persian on heat foe the first time.looking for a pure persian male cat for mating.color is white n for details 9699087505

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You have to breed with a ditto if it is a male

Can you breed a male Pokémon with a male Pokémon?

no you cant breed male and male. only a ditto and a male, or male and female of the same pokemon

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Breed it with Ditto.

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Yes, you must have a male and female to breed.

Can you breed Charizard?

Yes, breed a male and female Charizard, or breed a female Charizard with a Ditto. Yes, breed a male and female Charizard, or breed a female Charizard with a Ditto.

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No, a stallion is a male horse, more specifically one that can breed.(as opposed to a gelding, or castrated male, who cannot breed)

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If you breed a female Skitty and a male Wailord then you get a Skitty but if you breed a female Wailord and a male Skitty then you'll get a Wailmer.

How do you breed Pokemon on Pokemon saphire?

In order to breed Pokémon in Sapphire you either have to breed a female with a compatible male Pokémon or either female or male can breed with a Ditto like a female Treecko could breed with a male Mudkip or Whismur.

How do emperor penguins live and breed?

they breed by humping there male