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In terms of Biblical history, the earliest recorded identity theft was when Jacob, pretended to be Esau in order to obtain his rightfully promised blessing. This would have occurred around 1930 BC.

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Q: What is the earliest Identity Theft ever recorded?
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Is invasion of privacy against the law?

Yes. It can lead to Identity theft and who ever is doing it can attack your bank accounts.

What special qualifications do identity theft attorneys possess?

An identity theft attorney can help to clear one's name should their identity ever be stolen. Having your identity stolen can be a lengthy process. An attorney will help provide the necessary information and steps that need to be taken to ensure you are not held responsible for any crimes committed by the imposter.

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Yes. The earliest recorded on happened in Annapolis, on April 24, 1758.

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Earthquakes have occured ever since the creation of Earth. The earliest recorded earthquake was in China in 1177 BC. I hope I have helped.

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The earliest supernova that has ever been recorded happened in 185 AD. Some Chinese astronomers first saw it.

What programs offer identity theft protection?

I find some of the best identify theft protection comes from your bank - after all, they often pay (part of) the bill if your identity is stolen.However, in terms of computer programs, I use ""Trusteer Rapport"" which will warn me if I ever use the same credentials on a website which I do for my internet banking, or paypal, etc. It will also warn me of known phishing websites.

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The earliest recorded transfer fee record was the £100 paid by Aston Villa in 1893 for Willie Groves.

Outside of the bible how old was the oldest man to ever live?

There is no real way to verrify, People use identity theft, and give false info. frequently. but, I think its around 117 years.

Does Hotmail ever send a message wanting your email address password and what country you live in?

No, never. That email is a way to begin theft of your identity. Do not comply with whatever it says. In fact, report it to Hotmail.

Who was the earliest prime minister in the world?

The Earliest prime minister ever was Cadnofay Bhandashiay