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Q: What is the early development of the state of Kentucky?
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What advantages in agriculture technology in early 1800s strengthen ky as a state

What state separates Kentucky and Alabama?

Tennessee. How early did you drop out of school?

Did Daniel Boone discover Kentucky?

There were already natives living in Kentucky, so he didn't really technically discover it. He was, however, one of the early explorers of Kentucky. He is credited with settling the state.

What caused the state of Kentucky to change sides in the early stages of the civil war?

Because of your mom

Is Kentucky a states?

Yes, Kentucky is a state.

What is address of the State Head Start office in Kentucky?

The State Head Start office address is: Kentucky Head Start State Collaboration Office Governor's Office of Early Childhood 125 Holmes Street Frankfort, KY 40601

What state is Kentucky located in?

Kentucky is a state...

What was the Kentucky legislature?

Kentucky legislature is the State legislature of the u.s state of Kentucky

How did Kentucky get the name 'show me' state?

Kentucky isn't the "Show me" state. Kentucky is the "bluegrass" state. Missouri is the "Show me" state.

What state has a capital named Kentucky?

No state capital is named Kentucky. Kentucky is a state; its capital is Frankfort.

What is the Nickname of Kentucky?

Kentucky's official state nick name is "The Bluegrass State." Other nicknames are Dark and Bloody Ground, Hemp State, the Rock-Ribbed State and the Tobacco State. Bluegrass is not really blue--it's green--but in the spring, bluegrass produces bluish-purple buds that when seen in large fields give a rich blue cast to the grass. Early pioneers found bluegrass growing on Kentucky's rich limestone soil, and traders began asking for the seed of the "blue grass from Kentucky." The name stuck and today Kentucky is known as the Bluegrass State.

What best describes the events in Kentucky in the early days of the Civil War?

Lincoln was slow to use military force in Kentucky, and the state remained neutral during most of the war.