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Riley Wolf

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Q: What is the earths crusts consistency?
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What Extends from earths core to earths crusts?

idek what 2 say???

What is the earths crusts tempiture?

The earths crust varies. There is no temperature because it varies from cold to hot.

How fast do the earths crusts move?

As fast as your fingernails grow

What is the earths crusts material?

The earth's crust is made out of rock and soil

Who Studies Earthquakes and earths crusts Movements?

A geologist studies the earth.

Who Studies Earthquakes and earths crusts Movements called?

A geologist studies the earth.

What are the two types of earths crusts?

There is first the mantle then crust then the innercore and then the outtercore

What feature of the mantle allows movement of the earths crusts to occur?

The proces is called convection

The most common elements in the earths crusts are rarely found on their own They are usually found combined Why?

answer it!

Why do you think geologists use drills bits covered with small diamonds to drill earths crusts?

Because they have to get through the minerals and rocks in the earths crust.

How can scientists infer the consistency of the earths mantle?

They can do this by how and how quickly seismic waves can move through the mantle.

What is ice water in cooking?

just very cold water,just ice cold water,also needed when making pie crusts,cold temperature helps with the consistency