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The credibility of the School is the real question here. You can get a "Diploma/Degree" from a Diploma mill for 0 effort with $2500 - $10,000 cash. These are NOT legit. Make sure you are are attending a regionally accredited school. Be careful there are also some fake accrediting bodies as well. IMHO, an Online Doctorate is the easiest to obtain. You will write a lot but you have your textbook in front of you when you have exams. If you will read a little bit, orals can be BSed. Heck, you can even buy a Dissertation if you have money but are short on brains. LOL If you want a good education and the knowledge that you are competent, go to the best school you can afford, take seated classes and do your own work. There simply is no shortcut to quality. Consider this, would you want some guy who bought his Doctorate online doing your Heart Bypass, teaching your children Science or representing you in court? I didn't think so. :-)))

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14y ago

It depends on the individual and their abilities, and learning skills. What is easier for one may not be easier for another. That being said, if you are pursuing a doctorate for the sake of a doctorate, you will find if most difficult to complete any doctorate successfully. I'm sure you are aware that a doctorate is the highest level of academic attainment and one you will need to have a passion for the specific program of study. If you can find that passion for a particular field of study, then that's the one that will be easier for you.

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14y ago

The doctorate would take approximately four years post bachelor's to complete. The actual length of time depends much on how long it takes a student to prepare and defend their dissertation. The dissertation is an individual student project advancing an original view point on a topic of the students choosing. It is developed through extensive supporting research and approved by a designated committee.

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16y ago

Maybe a DBA Doctorate of Business Administration.

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What is the easiest doctorate to gain?

If you wish to obtain a doctorate just for the sake of a doctorate, there will be no easiest way to achieve this through a legitimate college or university. The doctorate is the highest level of educational attainment, and will take approximately four years of intensive study particular to a specific field. If you do not have a passion for what you wish to accomplish through the pursuit of this degree level, you will never succeed in obtaining it.

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The former is the usual form: I have a doctorate.

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... a post-doctorate!

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He has an honorary doctorate in theology

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The doctorate is the highest level of educational attainment. There are no breakdowns in terms of higher and lower levels of a doctorate.

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What do you call a person with a doctorate in nursing?

An individual who has completed a doctorate - regardless of field - is referred to as doctor.An individual who has completed a doctorate - regardless of field - is referred to as doctor.An individual who has completed a doctorate - regardless of field - is referred to as doctor.An individual who has completed a doctorate - regardless of field - is referred to as doctor.An individual who has completed a doctorate - regardless of field - is referred to as doctor.An individual who has completed a doctorate - regardless of field - is referred to as doctor.

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What is the highest degree you can get in Language Studies?

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