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Saudi Arabia has not a mixed economy. They differ form the other oil Arab countries with a centrally planned economy. we could call Saudi Arabia state capitalists, since everything in the country are under control by the government. even the private enterprises that does exist are under full control by the state.

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Saudi Arabia primarily has a market economy, but has many similarities with other petro-states which have an economy that is primarily fueled and driven by petroleum as opposed to industry and commerce.

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10y ago

Saudi Arabia primarily has a market economy, but has many similarities with other petro-states which have an economy that is primarily fueled and driven by petroleum as opposed to industry and commerce. As a result, only those people who are directly involved in the drilling and transportation of petroleum really have a connection to the Saudi economy. The rest are more or less irrelevant save that they provide the basic necessities to sustain the petrochemical workers.

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9y ago

The State of Qatar is a free market economy. Its major markets include the services sector in addition to significant oil and natural gas reserves.

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Q: What is the economic system of the Safavid Empire?
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Sunni Muslims within the Safavid Empire were forced to become Shia Muslims.

What sect of Islam was the Safavid Empire?

The Safavid Empire is primarily made of SHIITE MUSLIMS, because that was the official religion of the empire. Numerous Persian Sunni Muslims were forcibly converted to Shiite Islam under Safavid rule.

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