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Rouse the animals except the few becoming suspicious.

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Q: What is the effect of Major's speech?
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What part of speech is major?

The word major is a noun. The plural is majors.

What was the effect of early majors strikes on workers and companies?

They got arrested.

Does marijuana effect your speech impediment?

Marijuana can affect coordination, cognitive function, and speech, which could potentially impact speech impediments. However, the specific impact can vary from person to person, so it is advised to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Who does freedom of speech affect?

It effect everone

What is the effect of an ellipsis?

To pause or emit speech.

How is Old Majors speech motivational?

If you are referring to the novel "Animal Farm", one of the things that makes his speech persuasive is the illustration of how animals could live a better life than the one they are living currently.

How does age can affect in relearning speech and mobility?

As we age, cognitive and physical abilities may decline, which can make relearning speech and mobility more challenging. Older adults may require more time, practice, and patience to regain these skills compared to younger individuals. However, with appropriate therapy and support, improvements in speech and mobility are still possible at any age.

What is the frequent side effect of tranquilzer?

drowsiness slurred speech

What effect did the i have a dream speech have years after it happened?

to change civil rights

How does communism effect the Stalin hostile speech?

That's where he got his motivation from

What is the meaning of a 'Watermelon speech'?

Watermelons contain water of 92%. A "Watermelon Speech" is a speech that isn't solid. It lasts as long as a watermelon. It comes and goes and doesn't leave an effect.