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Q: What is the effect of government policy on direct and indirect small scale business?
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How does direct and indirect sunlight have effect on the seasons?

The direct and indirect sunlight takes effect on seasons because it could be day or night 24/7. Also it determines what season it is.

What is the differences between direct and indirect effects of disasters?

Well, as an example, a direct effect would be a city being destroyed because of a tsunami. An indirect effect of that tsunami would be if jelly first population started thriving in the rubble of the flooded city. So, a direct effect is an immediate reaction due to the disaster while an indirect effect would be a reaction that is caused because of a direct effect of the disaster. 

What are the direct and indirect effects the American Revolution had on the French Revolution?

The direct effect was that France was washed away and the indirect effect was that England had a war with France an as a result,France was washed away.

Direct and Indirect contacts in management?

Direct Contacts are the individuals who are the first recipient of the information and Indirect Contacts are the ones who receive the information through the Direct Contacts. Indirect Contacts in sales is also termed as a Trickle Down Effect.

What is the definition of indirect?

Indirect refers to something that is not straightforward or done in a roundabout way. It may involve using intermediaries or having an effect that is not immediately obvious or direct.

Why do some people say the U.S. is a democracy?

Democracies are political systems where people have a direct or indirect effect on policy, either by voting on policy themselves (direct effect, ergo direct democracy) or by voting for people who themselves will vote on policy (indirect effect, ergo indirect democracy).The United States is a Presidential Republic which is a form of indirect democracy and why people correctly assert that the US is a democracy. Presidential Republics, which include the United States and large parts of Latin America, are governments where all citizens over a certain age can vote for political parties that sit in Congress as well as voting for a President who is the chief executive. In Presidential Republics, there is a clear delineation between the legislative and executive branches.

Indirect Effects of a Change in Accounting Principle?

it is one of three effects of change in accounting principle (direct,indirect, and cumulative effects).The indirect effect of change in accounting principles are differences in non-discretionary items based on earnings (e.g bonuses) that would have occurred if the new principle had been used in prior years.quoted from Becker CPA

Would you use STEAL for direct or indirect characterization?

STEAL is typically used for indirect characterization. It stands for Speech, Thoughts, Effect on others, Actions, and Looks, and it helps readers infer a character's traits based on these aspects rather than being explicitly told by the author.

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direct and secondary effect

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it limited the power of states to regulate business

What effect did the sanctity of contracts have on state government powers?

it limited the power of states to regulate business

How long did the 3 Branches of Government stay in bessnes?

The three branches of government are Judicial, legislative and the executive branch. They are still in effect doing the business of Government.