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Q: What is the effect of gravitation on stone?
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Why does the moon effect the water?

The moon's gravitation pulls water masses to cause the tidal effect.

Is the water in the glass influenced by moon and sun gravitation?

Yes. The gravitation effects of the Moon and the Sun will have a slight tidal effect on the glass of water. The effect is just so small that is barely noticeable.

What planet does Neptune effect?

All of them (it's called the Law of Universal Gravitation for a reason), but the effect is most pronounced on its nearest neighbor, Uranus.

How many epidoes are there in the anime gravitation?

Gravitation:14 episodes Gravitation OVA: 2 episodes A total of 16 episodes including both gravitation and gravitation OVA

What is the difference between the gravitation and law of universal gravitation?

The law of universal gravitation is a scientific description of the properties and source of gravitation.

How did the Rosetta stone effect the Egyptian people?

Your mom is a rosetta stone of life

If they did not farm what did they do in the old stone age?

In the Old Stone Age, also known as the Paleolithic period, people were primarily hunter-gatherers. They relied on hunting, fishing, and gathering wild plants for their food. Additionally, they developed tools and weapons made of stone, bone, and wood to aid in their survival.

What is a gravitation?

gravitation is air that keeps you on the ground........

When a body move upward in a lift what will be effect on its weight?

Yes,there is a affect if it moves in a accelaration or deaccelaration.Thats because gravitation accelaration is changed.

What does the universal law of gravitation sate?

It states newtons law of gravitation

What is the effect of diamond stone on a human body?

The only visible effect is one of adornment.

When was Gravitation - manga - created?

Gravitation - manga - was created in 2000.