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3D real matter -vs- 1D numerical & mathematical representation.

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Ms Michelle Power

DOB: 22/06/1968


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Is the graph created by Pressure vs Volume an exponential graph when constant in temperature?

No, when pressure and volume are inversely proportional at constant temperature, the graph of pressure vs. volume is a straight line. This relationship is described by Boyle's Law, which states that pressure multiplied by volume is constant when temperature is held constant.

What is the type of graph that results when the volume of a gas is measured as its pressure is changed?

the graph should look like this:. . . . . . . .

Where can you find a climate graph for nigeria?

You can find a climate graph for Nigeria on various websites, such as the World Bank's Climate Data website, the Nigerian Meteorological Agency's website, or by searching on Google for "climate graph Nigeria." These graphs typically show temperature and precipitation patterns over the course of a year for different regions in Nigeria.

Why is there no relevant graph for the combined gas law?

The combined gas law states that P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2. Note there are three variable, namely P(pressure), V(volume) and T(temperature). Thus, there can be no single relevant graph. One could have a graph of P vs. V or P vs T for example, but not a graph including all three variables.

What type of relationship does the graph for charles's law show?

The relationship in Charles's law is a direct relationship between the volume and temperature of a gas at constant pressure. As temperature increases, the volume of the gas also increases, and vice versa. This relationship is shown as a straight line when graphed.

Related questions

What is a website to help kids make a graph?

create a graph is a great website for that! i used it when i was younger for a project. (:

A graph of boyles law shows the relationship between?

a graph law graph shows the relationship between pressure and volume

A graph of the Charles law shows the relationship between?

This graph of Charles Law would show the relationship of volume of a gas as a function of the temperature at constant pressure.

Can you show me a website that says the graph about body images any graph?

What effect does a value of h -6 have on the graph?

Without any information on what the graph is, it is not possible to say.

Is the graph created by Pressure vs Volume an exponential graph when constant in temperature?

No, when pressure and volume are inversely proportional at constant temperature, the graph of pressure vs. volume is a straight line. This relationship is described by Boyle's Law, which states that pressure multiplied by volume is constant when temperature is held constant.

What is the effect on a graph when you multiply a function by -1?

When a function is multiplied by -1 its graph is reflected in the x-axis.

What graph shows how volume changes over time in excel?


What does a graph representing charle's law show?

Volume increases at the same rate as temperature.

What does a graph of Charles law shows the relationship between?

A graph of Charles Law shows the relationship between temperature and volume of gas.

Describe in your own words a graph of charles law?

A graph of Charles's Law would show a direct relationship between the volume of a gas and its temperature at constant pressure. As temperature increases, the volume of the gas also increases proportionally. This relationship is represented by a straight line passing through the origin on a graph where the x-axis represents temperature and the y-axis represents volume.

What value should theoretically be obtained for the intercept on a graph of mass vs volume HINT The intercept corresponds to zero mass and zero volume?

The intercept on a graph of mass vs. volume should be zero, as this point represents zero mass and zero volume. This makes sense because with no mass and no volume, there should be no measurements of mass either.