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In many countries, those with moderate to severe autism can be classified as Mentally Incompetent - that is, not capable of making legal decisions for themselves. Thus, autistic adults may find themselves being involuntarily declared Incompetent, and be assigned a Legal Guardian to handle their affairs.

Other than that, if an autistic adult has not been declared Incompetent, there generally is no additional accommodation or restrictions placed on them by the law. Those with non-severe autism (i.e. if you have been declared mentally competent) may not use it as a valid defense in a legal case (though, it may be considered a Mitigating Factor in case of criminal conviction).

Currently, certain forms of autism do qualify one to be considered Disabled under the Americans with Disabilities Act, in the category of requiring employers to make "reasonable accommodations" to allow autistic individuals to work there.

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Can adults develop autism?

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No - autism is a neurological condition, autistic children grow-up into autistic adults.

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I don't know about that. But there are some children + adults with cerebral Palsy that are diagnosed with autism.

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Because the condition causes problems with general information and stimulus processing and integration, autism is typically extremely disorganizing to social behavior. Children and adults with autism have impairments in perceiving interactions accurately and in displaying typical social behavior. Autistic children often need substantial support and training to function socially in any meaningful manner.

Do adults get autism?

Your usually born with it and grow up to still have it. Basically it runs with you your whole life.

Do children who are diagnosed with autism grow up to be adults with autism or is it then called or considered something else?

Autism is still called autism once a child reaches adulthood. Mild cases may be named something else, although closely related to autism, such as Aspergers. Some autistic patients are not diagnosed until they reach adulthood.

Will you have autism all your life?

Yes, it is a developmental disability which cannot be cured. However, it can be treated with great success and many people with autism lead normal lives as adults.

Can autism adults get married?

Yes, of course autistic adults can get married. There are no restrictions on autistic people getting married, as long as they can consent to being married there's no reason for them not to.

What part of body autism effect?

Autism is a neurological variation so primarily the brain is effected by autism, an Autistic person has an Autistic brain. Autism also in turn effects the nervous system, and some Autistic people have digestive health problems too.

Are scientist closer to a cure for autism?

In short, not really. But they are very much closer to finding out why autism occurs and this may effect a way in preventing it in the future.