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Alveoli is where gas exchange occurs.

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Q: What is the elastic unit of the respiratory system where gas exchange occurs?
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Where in your respiratory system does the exchange of O2 happen?

Gaseous exchange occurs in the alveoli (singular = alveolus) of the lungs.

Where does gas exhange in the vascular system?

The vascular system, or respiratory system, deals with the exchange of oxygen to carbon dioxide. This exchange occurs in the alveoli sacs

Where in the respiratory system does gas exhcange occur?

Gas exchange occurs in the alveoli in the respiratory system. The thin-walled structures allow diffusion of gases into and out of the capillaries.

Where does gas exchange occur in the human respiratory system?

Gas exchange does not occur in the respiratory tract, it occurs in the alveoli.

Which part of the lower respiratory tract is intimately in contact with the cardiovascular system?

The lungs are intimately in contact with the cardiovascular system. The alveoli in the lungs is where gas exchange occurs from the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system.

The respiratory system is responsible for the exchange of what?

In the respiratory system, we see the exchange of gases. In this gas exchange, carbon dioxide (CO2) leaves the blood and goes into air in the lungs, and oxygen (O2) leaves the air in the lungs and goes into the blood. It is this gas exchange, which occurs in the alveoli, that permits oxygenation of the blood and keeps us alive.

Is respiratory a system?

The respiratory system is responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and the environment.

What is the study of respiratory system?

The respiratory system is the anatomical system of an organism that introduces respiratory gases to the interior and performs gas exchange. In humans and other mammals, the anatomical features of the respiratory system include airways, lungs, and the respiratory muscles. Molecules of oxygen and carbon dioxide are passively exchanged, by diffusion, between the gaseous external environment and the blood. This exchange process occurs in the alveolar region of the lungs.[1] Other animals, such as insects, have respiratory systems with very simple anatomical features, and in amphibians even the skin plays a vital role in gas exchange. Plantsalso have respiratory systems but the directionality of gas exchange can be opposite to that in animals. The respiratory system in plants also includes anatomical features such as holes on the undersides of leaves known as stomata.[2]

Frog respiratory system?

The frog's respiratory system has three respiratory surfaces on its body. The frog uses these respiratory systems on its skin to exchange gas with its surroundings.

Definition of respiratory system?

a system of organs that exchange gases with the enviroment

What are the functions of your respiratory system?

to exchange gases in the body.

What is a primary function of a respiratory system?

Gas exchange