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The Electromagnetic Spectrum: All Sorts of Light!There are many different types of energy that come from the Sun. All of the types of energy travel in waves with different wavelengths (the distance between wave tops). All types of energy are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The energy is called electromagnetic because the waves have electrical and magnetic features. The spectrum usually is divided into these seven parts:

Radio waves

These waves are used to bring you the tunes from your favorite radio station, but they are also a type of radiation from the Sun with long wavelengths.


Microwaves have a slightly smaller wavelength than radio waves. Microwaves can be used to study the Universe, communicate with satellites, and cook popcorn.

Infrared radiation

Infrared radiation has wavelengths longer than visible radiation and shorter than microwave radiation. Instruments on satellites that detect plants, rock types, and characteristics of the atmosphere use infrared radiation.

Visible radiation

This is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that humans are able to see. It includes all of the colors of the rainbow which, when combined, make white light. Within the spectrum of visible light, red light travels in broad waves while violet light travels in smaller waves.

Ultraviolet radiation

With slightly more energy than the violet end of the visible light spectrum, most ultraviolet radiation (UV) from the Sun is blocked by Earth's atmosphere, but some makes it through. UV radiation helps plants grow and humans make vitamin D in their bodies. However, too much UV can cause sunburns, skin cancer, cataracts, and can damage plants too.

X-ray radiation

Because x-rays have short wavelengths and more energy than visible light, they travel through skin, tissue and organs but bounce off hard bone. That's how doctors use them to take photographs of bones.

Gamma-ray radiation

Gamma rays have the shortest wavelengths of all types of radiation!

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Rhett Strosin

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2y ago
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12y ago

The Electromagnetic Spectrum: All Sorts of Light!There are many different types of energy that come from the Sun. All of the types of energy travel in waves with different wavelengths (the distance between wave tops). All types of energy are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The energy is called electromagnetic because the waves have electrical and magnetic features. The spectrum usually is divided into these seven parts:

Radio waves

These waves are used to bring you the tunes from your favorite radio station, but they are also a type of radiation from the Sun with long wavelengths.


Microwaves have a slightly smaller wavelength than radio waves. Microwaves can be used to study the Universe, communicate with satellites, and cook popcorn.

Infrared radiation

Infrared radiation has wavelengths longer than visible radiation and shorter than microwave radiation. Instruments on satellites that detect plants, rock types, and characteristics of the atmosphere use infrared radiation.

Visible radiation

This is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that humans are able to see. It includes all of the colors of the rainbow which, when combined, make white light. Within the spectrum of visible light, red light travels in broad waves while violet light travels in smaller waves.

Ultraviolet radiation

With slightly more energy than the violet end of the visible light spectrum, most ultraviolet radiation (UV) from the Sun is blocked by Earth's atmosphere, but some makes it through. UV radiation helps plants grow and humans make vitamin D in their bodies. However, too much UV can cause sunburns, skin cancer, cataracts, and can damage plants too.

X-ray radiation

Because x-rays have short wavelengths and more energy than visible light, they travel through skin, tissue and organs but bounce off hard bone. That's how doctors use them to take photographs of bones.

Gamma-ray radiation

Gamma rays have the shortest wavelengths of all types of radiation!

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Q: What is the electromagnetic spectrum and what are 7 different types?
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What is the full range of electromagnetic radiation called?

There are seven types of electromagnetic waves and they are: 1. Radio waves 2. Microwaves 3. Infra-red waves 4. (visible) Light waves 5. Ultra-violet waves 6. X-ray waves 7. Gamma rays

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You can find good jokes about the electromagnetic spectrum on websites dedicated to science humor, such as Science Jokes or Science Daily. Alternatively, you can search for science-themed joke books that may contain jokes related to the electromagnetic spectrum.

Is white light a single color- Does it have a place in the electromagnetic spectrum like red and blue do?

White light is actually a combination of all the colors in the visible spectrum. It does not have a distinct place in the electromagnetic spectrum like red or blue, but it is made up of many different wavelengths of light that correspond to different colors.

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The photon will belong to the visible light spectrum, specifically in the red region with a wavelength of 5.6 x 10^-7 meters.

What does the sun have to do with the electromagnetic spectrum?

Hydrogen nuclei undergo fusion within the Sun and this reaction releases energy as 0.3% of the hydrogen's mass is converted into energy. This energy spans several bands of the electromagnetic spectrum, most of it is in the UV-Vis portion. For more information look up blackbody radiation.

What are 7 waves of the electromagnetic spectrum?

The seven waves of the electromagnetic spectrum in order of increasing frequency are: radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays. Each wave has different properties and uses based on its wavelength and frequency.

7 names in the electromagnetic spectrum?

In order from lowest frequency to highest: radio, microwave, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma.

What are examples of electromagnet?

Electromagnetic energy is an invisible form of energy in the transverse wave form. Of the many types of energy in our universe, this form of energy is the only one that does not require a medium or matter to travel on or in. This form of energy can travel through empty space as a transverse wave. There are many different types of electromagnetic energy. Examples of Electromagnetic Energy: 1. Radio waves 2. Microwaves 3. Infrared radiation 4. Visible light - all colors of the spectrum that we can see. 5. Ultraviolet light 6. X-rays 7. Gamma radiation

Which type of electromagnetic waves include the wave length 10-7 m 10 to the -7 power meter?

That wavelength corresponds to the ultraviolet spectrum. The same wavelength that that is responsible for giving you a sunburn.

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What are the different rays of the electromagnetic spectrum?

Only a very small part of the electromagnetic spectrum is visible to humans. This is the only part that can be considered to be light, with the quality of colour. The main difference between the colour of light is its wavelength, the shorter the waveliength the more blue the light the longer the wavelength the more red the light. So visible light with a frequence of between 4x10-7 and 7x10-7 are the only electromagnetic waves that give colour when separated. But all electromagnetic radiation can be split into bands of isotopic wavelength.