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Q: What is the enclosure or container called that a Caterpillar hides when it becomes a butterfly or moth?
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When a caterpillar becomes a butterfly is the process called chrysalis?

The Caterpillar is becoming a Butterfly.

How long until a Caterpillar becomes a butterfly?

a few weeks

What is the butterflies life cycle?

Egg Caterpillar Cocoon Butterfly

How does a butterfly come out from a larva?

No the caterpillar spins a cocoon and turns into a chrysalis. Inside, it goes through metamorphosis and becomes a butterfly.

What will happen to the caterpillar after moulting a few times?

It becomes a pupa (caccoon), then a butterfly or moth.

Is something has metamorphosed it has?

changed into it's next state. A caterpillar undergoes a metamorphosis, and becomes a butterfly.

How many legs does a chrysalis have?

none, a chrysalis is the sac that a caterpillar forms when t becomes a butterfly

What is the beginning stage of a butterfly?

The process of which a butterfly is born is called metamorphosis. This process begins with a little egg, when the egg hatches a caterpillar emerges. Once the caterpillar has finished growing they form into a chrysalis (pupa), which is where the caterpillar begins to change to the butterfly. Once the changing process is over a butterfly emerges from the pupa.

The second stage of the butterfly life cycle?

Monarch butterflies go through a four stage development cycle in their lifespans. The four stages of the monarch butterfly are the egg, the caterpillar or larvae, the chrysalis or pupa, and the butterfly.

What are the special markings on a monarch's chrysalis?

A monarchs chrysalis is green with golden bumps. Just before a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, the chrysalis becomes transparent.

What is the cycle of the of the butterfly?

The first stage of the cycle is an egg then the egg hatches and it becomes and caterpillar which technical word is larva then it turns into a chrysalis or a pupa and then turns into a butterfly. The eggs are laid on the underside of milkweed leaves. The butterfly and the larva is found in open meadows, gardens and much, much more.There are four stages in the life cycle of a butterfly. The first stage is the egg. From the egg comes a caterpillar. Then the chrysalis develops. The last stage is the butterfly. Typically a butterfly lives for about two weeks.

What is the life cycle of a Butterfly?

The first stage of the cycle is an egg then the egg hatches and it becomes and caterpillar which technical word is larva then it turns into a chrysalis or a pupa and then turns into a butterfly. The eggs are laid on the underside of milkweed leaves. The butterfly and the larva is found in open meadows, gardens and much, much more.There are four stages in the life cycle of a butterfly. The first stage is the egg. From the egg comes a caterpillar. Then the chrysalis develops. The last stage is the butterfly. Typically a butterfly lives for about two weeks.