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Q: What is the end point of redox titration?
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What is redox titration?

Redox Titration refers to some titration based on the redox reaction between the titrant and analyte.

What is idometry?

Iodometry, also known as iodometric titration, is a method of volumetric chemical analysis, a redox titration where the appearance or disappearance of elementary iodine indicates the end point.

Difference between acid base titration and redox titration?

Acid base titration involves neutralization reaction between an acid and a base. whereas redox titration involves redox reaction between an oxidizing agent and reducing agent.

What is the theory of the redox titration?

i dontknow

Advantages and disadvantages of redox titration?


What is titration error?

Titration error is simply the difference between the end point of a titration and the equivalence point of it. It can mathematically defined as Error = Vol(End Point) - Vol(Equivalence Point)

What are the type of conductometric titration?

types of conductometric titration: acid base titration complexometric titration replacement titration redox titration precipitation titration

What is the function of phenolphthalein in titration?

to determine the end point of titration

The purpose of an indicator in a titration experiment?

The indicator is used to measure the end point of titration. Methyl red and phenolphthalein are frequently used indicators in acid-base titration. Potassium permanganate can used as a self indicator in redox titrations where applicable.

What is the reason of heating solution during redox titration?

This is far to be a rule for this titration.

The end point of a titration indicates the?

neutralization of reaction or completion of titration

What is colourimetric titration?

Titration in which the end point is marked by a color change.