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Q: What is the energy earth receives from the sun by infrared radiation and ultraviolet radiation?
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Infrared radiation and ultraviolet radiation make up most of the energy Earth receives from the sun?


When earths surface is heated it radiates most of the energy back into the atmosphere as ultraviolet radiation?

Not as ultraviolet; the radiation is emitted as infrared radiation.

Which radiation energy from the sun can damage an organism?

Microwaves <><><><><> Ultraviolet, infrared, gamma.

Which has more energyinfrared or ultraviolet radiation?

Ultraviolet with its higher frequency and shorter wavelength carries more energy then infrared.

Does electromagnetic radiation in the ultraviolet region represent a larger energy transition than does radiation in the infrared region?


What type of electromagnetic wave has highest energy a ultraviolet wave or an infrared wave?

Infrared radiation has a lower frequency than optical light as it is below the red end of the spectrum. "Infra" means below, making "infrared" meaning "below red. On the other hand, ultraviolet radiation has a higher frequency than optical light as it is above the violet end of the spectrum. "Ultra" means "above or greater", making ultraviolet meaning "above violet". The answer to your question would be: ultraviolet radiation has more electromagnetic energy than infrared radiation.

How does the Sun provide the Earth with nearly all of its energy and variable weather?

How: Earth receives the Sun's radiation as sunlight (and a smaller amount of invisible light, such as infrared and ultraviolet radiation). This is a huge amount of power received by Earth.

Is it true that ultraviolet light carries more energy than infrad radiation?

im 75% positive that it does penetrate deeper than infrared radiation.

Do ultraviolet waves produce thermal energy?

They technically are not "hot" per se....they are forms of radiation.

What has greater energy between ultraviolet and infrared?

ultraviolet has more energy.

Is infrared radiation more energetic than visible radiation?

No. Infrared (IR) light is longer wavelength (lower frequency) light and is of lower electromagnetic energy than shorter wavelength (higher frequency) ultraviolet (UV) light. Note that our skin "senses" infrared light (which we normally think of as heat) in a different way than it does ultraviolet light. This may account for the difference in the way it "feels" when we're exposed to light of the two energies. To be clear, ultraviolet light has higher energy photon for photon than infrared light. If both are absorbed by the skin, the reaction of the skin will be slightly different, but the energy imparted to the skin will be greater with the UV light that the IR light.

Infrared radiation is what type of energy?

Infrared radiation is a type of electromagnetic energy