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The energy of a photon can be calculated using the formula E = hf, where E is the energy, h is Planck's constant (6.626 x 10^-34 Js), and f is the frequency. Plugging in the values, we get E = (6.626 x 10^-34)*(5.801014) = 3.842 x 10^-33 Joules.

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Q: What is the energy of a photon of green light with a frequency of 5.801014 s-1?
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Which is more energetic a red photon or a blue photon?

The energy of a photon is inversely propotional to its wavelength. The wavelength of a blue photon is less than that of a red photon. That makes the blue photon more energetic. Or how about this? The energy of a photon is directly proportional to its frequency. The frequency of a blue photon is greater than that of a red photon. That makes the blue photon more energetic. The wavelength of a photon is inversely proportional to its frequency. The the longer the wavelength, the lower the frequency. The shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency.

What is the energy of a photon of green light with a frequency of 5.89 1014 s-1?

The energy of a photon is given by E = hf, where h is Planck's constant (6.626 x 10^-34 J·s) and f is the frequency. Plugging in the values, the energy of a photon of green light with a frequency of 5.89 x 10^14 s^-1 is approximately 3.48 x 10^-19 Joules.

How many Joules in one photon?

The energy of one photon is given by E = hf, where h is Planck's constant (6.626 x 10^-34 J·s) and f is the frequency of the photon. For example, a photon of green light with a frequency of around 5.5 x 10^14 Hz has an energy of about 3.66 x 10^-19 Joules.

Which has more energy a photon of red light or photon of violet light?

The violet light has more energy than the red light. Red light is lower on the electromagnetic spectrum, meaning it has a lower frequency (or longer wavelength). You'll recall the colors of the rainbow as red, orange, yellow, etc., and these are the colors going up the frequency spectrum. Photons higher on the spectrum are higher in frequency and energy.

How much energy is contained in a photon of green light?

The energy of a photon of green light with a wavelength of approximately 520 nanometers is about 2.38 electronvolts.

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Which is more energetic a red photon or a blue photon?

The energy of a photon is inversely propotional to its wavelength. The wavelength of a blue photon is less than that of a red photon. That makes the blue photon more energetic. Or how about this? The energy of a photon is directly proportional to its frequency. The frequency of a blue photon is greater than that of a red photon. That makes the blue photon more energetic. The wavelength of a photon is inversely proportional to its frequency. The the longer the wavelength, the lower the frequency. The shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency.

What is the energy of a photon of green light having the frequency of 5.80x 10x 14 Hz?

The energy is 3,8431.10e-14 joule.

What is the energy of a photon of green light with a frequency of 5.89 1014 s-1?

The energy of a photon is given by E = hf, where h is Planck's constant (6.626 x 10^-34 J·s) and f is the frequency. Plugging in the values, the energy of a photon of green light with a frequency of 5.89 x 10^14 s^-1 is approximately 3.48 x 10^-19 Joules.

How many Joules in one photon?

The energy of one photon is given by E = hf, where h is Planck's constant (6.626 x 10^-34 J·s) and f is the frequency of the photon. For example, a photon of green light with a frequency of around 5.5 x 10^14 Hz has an energy of about 3.66 x 10^-19 Joules.

Which has more energy a photon of red light or photon of violet light?

The violet light has more energy than the red light. Red light is lower on the electromagnetic spectrum, meaning it has a lower frequency (or longer wavelength). You'll recall the colors of the rainbow as red, orange, yellow, etc., and these are the colors going up the frequency spectrum. Photons higher on the spectrum are higher in frequency and energy.

How much energy is contained in a photon of green light?

The energy of a photon of green light with a wavelength of approximately 520 nanometers is about 2.38 electronvolts.

Can A photon of low frequency light has more energy than a photon of high frequency light?

No, a photon of high frequency light has more energy than a photon of low frequency light. The energy of a photon is directly proportional to its frequency, as given by the equation E = hf, where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is frequency.

How do you calculate the energy in joules of a photon of green light having a wavelength of 529 nm?

The energy of this photon is 3,7351.10e-19 joules.

Which has more energy green light or yellow light?

Green light. If you use the abbreviation ROY G. Biv ( red, orange yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet), you will always know that the red light has the longest wavelength and violet has the smallest wavelength. Wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional to one another. So if the wavelength is large, frequency is small, and when wavelength is small, frequency is large. Green light has a smaller wavelength than yellow. Likewise it has a higher frequency than yellow does. Therefore, green light has a higher frequency than yellow light.

What is the energy of a photon of green light with a frequency of 5.56 1014 s-1?

The energy of a photon is given by the formula E = hf, where h is Planck's constant (6.626 x 10^-34 J.s) and f is the frequency of the light. Plugging in the values, the energy of a photon of green light with a frequency of 5.56 x 10^14 s^-1 is approximately 3.68 x 10^-19 Joules.

What happens to a photon when it hits a leaf?

When a photon hits a leaf, it may be absorbed by chlorophyll molecules, which are specialized pigments that can capture the energy of the photon and initiate photosynthesis. This absorbed energy is then used to drive chemical reactions that convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.

What is the difference between red light and green light?

Red light has a longer wavelength and lower frequency compared to green light, which has a shorter wavelength and higher frequency. In terms of traffic signals, red light signals drivers to stop, while green light signals drivers to go.