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Nuclear energy and morePresleyfusion nuclear energy that isresponsiblyof sun heat and solar radiation.

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11y ago

Nuclear energyNuclear energy is the source of solar energy that is the source of coal, oil, gas. wind, biomass, solar, ... energies.

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Is coal an alternative energy source?

No, coal is not an alternative energy source. "Alternative" energy sources means energy sources other than fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas).

How do you reduce oil consumption?

Make other sources of energy cheaper.Reduce the supply of oil.Increase energy efficiency for any source of energy.

Is solar energy a useable energy?

Solar energy is indeed a useable source of power. There are many companies and businesses that use solar energy as an alternative power source to other energy sources such as oil or fuel.

Why is sunlight such a promising future energy source?

Sunlight is such a promising future energy source because it is the only energy source that will stay as long as we live, as far as i know. Oils, gases, and other energy sources like these will eventually go.

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Wind power is described as a renewable energy source because winds are produced by the suns thermal energy and this is never going to fail or need other sources of energy.

Why might you need to use more of there energy source in the future?

Other sources of energy that will not run out are tidal energy, from the rise and fall of Earth's ocean.

Is petroleum a energy or a energy souces?

It is a source of energy. Meaning that we can drill for it and then we have it, we don't have to create it. On the other hand hydrogen fuel has energy, but it isn't a source of energy because we can't simply drill for it, instead we have to create it. So while oil is a source of energy, other energy storing compounds like hydrogen fuel are not fuel sources.

What is secondary energy conversion?

Secondary energy is converted from primary energy sources. Electricity is the most common example of a secondary energy source. Electricity is converted from coal, gas, nuclear plants, windmills, solar panels and even running water.

Why might a country choose to use one energy source over another?

I'm not expert, but I might say that other, better, energy sources were not around at the time when they choose there main energy source.

How is electrcity produced by machine?

No, because electricity is a secondary energy source, so it's produced by primary energy sources like coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear power, and other natural energy sources.

Which alternative energy source is found in Iceland?

The majority of alternative energy sources were put in place by Mannvit Engineering. Currently the most common sources of alternative energy in Iceland are geothermal energy and hydroelectric energy. Mannvit is still exploring other alternative energy sources to be implemented throughout Iceland and the rest of the world.

Why is sunlight is not currently used as a major source of energy?

Getting energy directly from the Sun is still more expensive than using other energy sources, which are readily available.