

What is the energy source for a rocket?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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7y ago

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Rocket fuels are used. It contains chemical energy

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8y ago

Chemical energy, stored in the fuel the rocket takes with it.

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What is the energy source a rocket?


What source of energy is used by the rocket?

Depends on the rocket. Some rockets use solid fuel, some use liquid.

Why do you need water for a water rocket?

You could use other non compressible liquids. You really are using the air trapped in the rocket as the energy source. The water compresses the air to very high levels and then is pushed back out the enf of your rocket.

The chemical potential energy of a rocket is converted to what kind of energy?

The Chemical Potential Energy stored in a rocket will be converted to Kinetic Energy because the chemical fuel will launch the rocket into motion (Kinetic Energy).

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From the rocket's movement energy (formally called kinetic energy). As the rocket slows down through friction, its kinetic energy is converted mainly to heat energy.

How mechanical energy formed?

Mechanical energy is formed using a source of energy transferred to motion or electricity by means of gears. Every moving object has mechanical energy, whether it is a hammer driving a nail, a leaf falling from a tree, or a rocket flying in space.

The fuel used in a rocket is energy stored as?

chemical energy

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As a rocket rises its kinetic energy changes. At the time the rocket reaches its highest point most of the kinetic energy of the rocket has been and mdash?

When an object - rocket or otherwise - rises, its kinetic energy gets converted to gravitational potential energy. At its highest point, if it rises directly upwards, all the kinetic energy will be converted to gravitational potential energy. However, its movement may also have a sideways component; in that case, not all the kinetic energy is converted to potential energy.

Where does the energy for a rocket's liftoff come from?

Chemical energy, stored in the fuel.

What kind of energy in the fuel of a rocket engine?

potential chemical energy

Is electricity a clean source of energy?

The term clean source of energy refers to only primary energy sources as wind or solar energy. Electricity, by definition, is not a primary energy source. It is a secondary energy source that is could be produced by a clean energy source as wind or any renewable primary energy source or produced by fossil energy source as oil, natural gas, or coal.