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simple squamus epithelium

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Squamous epithelium

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Q: What is the epithelium that occurs in the facing layers of serous membrane?
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Why are the alveoli sometimes called respiratory membrane?

The alveoli are sometimes refer to as the respiratory membrane. This due to the transfer of gases that occurs between the epithelium (the membrane) and the capillaries (the blood). When Oxygen and carbon dioxide transfer across this membrane through diffusion Oxygen goes into the blood and Carbon dioxide is diffused out into the Alveoli.

A basement membrane occurs between?

a basement membrane occurs between the epithelial tissue and the connective tissue

What is the epithelium that occurs in a thick layer of cells?

If epithelial cells are more than one layer thick, it is considered stratified epithelial tissue.

Why ozone occurs in upper layers and oxygen in lower layers ozone has more density than oxygen but exists in upper layers?

Ozone occurs in upper layers. It finds suitable conditions to sustain there.

Most predominant component of biological membranes?

Most biological membranes are made of lipids. Both the animal cell and the plant cell have a cell membrane that consist of aphospholipid bilayer. The fluid mosaic model is used to describe the make up of the membrane. The bilayer is made of two layers of phospholipids, with their hydrophilic heads facing out and hydrophobic tails facing in. Proteins are also integrated in and/or on the membrane (ex. peripheral proteins, integral proteins, glycoproteins, etc.) There are also pumps like the sodium-potasium pump that assist with active transport (requires energy) across the membrane because the cell membrane is a semipermeable barrier. Passive transport also occurs across the membrane during processes like facilitated diffusion, osmosis and when certain ions pass through the designated ion channels across the membrane.

Epithelium that stretches and relaxes?

Transitional Epithelium permits expansion and recoil after stretching without damage. It's found in the urinary bladder, renal pelvis, and ureters. It's called transitional because the appearance of the epithelium changes as stretching occurs.

What type of of tissue occurs in the epidermis of the skin?

The epidermis is made up of stratified squamous epithelium.

What is the medical condition pericarditis?

An inflammation of the two layers of the thin, sac-like membrane that surrounds the heart. This membrane is called the pericardium, so the term pericarditis means inflammation of the pericardium.

The formation of endodermal and ectodermal germ layers occurs at .?

The formation of endodermal and ectodermal germ layers occurs during gastrulation. This process involves the movement and organization of cells in the early embryo to establish these distinct layers, which give rise to different tissues and organs in later development.

What layers of small sediments stick together because when pressure occurs?

When layers of small sediments stick together because of pressure, compaction occurs. :)

What part of the cell does osmosis occur?

it occurs in the cell membrane(through the cell membrane really)

When does folding of rock layers occurs where pieces of the Earth's crust?

Folding typically occurs in rock layers due to excessive heat and force. When rocks fold against each other they form interesting rock layers.