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Q: What is the equatorial diameter of Tethys?
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How does earths polar diameter compare with its equatorial diameter?

The equatorial diameter is greater than the polar diameter. The distance is about 30 miles. The equatorial diameter is about 7927 miles. The polar diameter is about 7900 miles.

From which set of polar and equatorial diameters can the actual shape of the Earth be inferred?

Polar Diameter = 12,713.6 Equatorial Diameter = 12,756.2

What is mercury's equatorial diameter?

Mercury's diameter is 4879km.

What is Jupiter's diameter in kilometers?

Jupiter's equatorial diameter is 142,800km

What is 12756 kilometers in diameter?

The Earth. Its equatorial diameter is about this length.

What is the diameter and circumference of mars in kilometers?

diameter = 2*radiuscircumference = pi*diameterThe equatorial diameter of Mars is about 6792 km, and its equatorial circumference is about 21,339 km.

How large is the moon charon in comparison to earth?

Earth's equatorial diameter is 12,756 km. Charon's equatorial diameter is 1,206 km

What is the Equatorial diameter of the moon?

The equatorial diameter of the moon is 2,159.2 miles. The circumference is 6,783.5 miles. It has a mean radius of 1,079.6 miles.

What is the equatorial diameter of mercury?

3032 miles

What is the diameter at the equater?

Earth's equatorial diameter is 7,926 miles (12,756 kilometers)

Does Jupiter have a larger equatorial diameter or polar diameter?

Jupiter spins so much faster than Earth, for instance, that its gassy state results in bulging out at the equator. The equatorial diameter is larger than the polar diameter.

What is the diameter of Mars?

The Equatorial diameter of Mars: 6,792km or 4,220 miles.The Polar diameter of Mars: 6,752km or 4,196 miles.The equatorial diameter is the measurement around the equator, whereas the polar diameter is from pole to pole. This shows that Mars is an oblate spheroid.