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The development of the microscope

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Q: What is the event that triggered the development and establishment of microbiology as a science?
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Why is compound microscope is important?

Led to medical discoveries, development of microbiology, and has contributed to modern science as we know it today.

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What science words begin with M?

Microbiology, meteorology and molecule are science words.

What is the science of very small plants and animals called?

The science of very small plants and animals is called microbiology. This field focuses on the study of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protists. Microbiology plays a crucial role in various fields, including medicine, agriculture, and environmental science.

What is the significance of studying microbiology in pharmacy?

to improve science

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What kind of science did louis pauster study?

Primarily microbiology.

What are types of life science?

the types of life science are geology,zoology,botany,biology,and microbiology