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I don't really know that one I will have to look it up and put it up here

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Q: What is the evolutionary relationship among a group of organisms?
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What is the largest division that a group of organisms can belong to?

The largest division that a group of organisms can belong to is a domain.

What is the advantage of grouping organisms in a systematic manner?

It is good to group organisms in a systematic manner so that they can easily be recognized. When scientist group organisms they have an easier way of categorizing them.

A localized group of organisms that belong to the same species is called a?

=)Population: when a localized group of organisms belong to the same species. (=

How does a branching tree diagram divide organisms into groups?

A branching tree diagram, also known as a phylogenetic tree or cladogram, is a visual representation that groups organisms together based on their shared derived characteristics. This diagram illustrates the evolutionary relationships between different species or groups of organisms. The process of creating a branching tree diagram starts with identifying the shared derived characteristics among the organisms being studied. These characteristics are traits that are unique to a particular group of organisms and have been inherited from a common ancestor. Examples of derived characteristics could include the presence of feathers in birds or the possession of a backbone in vertebrates. Once the derived characteristics are identified, the diagram is constructed by placing the organisms into branches or clades based on their shared derived traits. The more closely related organisms will be grouped together on branches that are closer to each other, indicating a more recent common ancestor. Conversely, organisms that are less closely related will be placed on branches that are more distant from each other, showing a more distant common ancestry. The branching pattern of the tree diagram represents the evolutionary relationships between the organisms. The points at which branches meet, called nodes, represent common ancestors from which the different groups have diverged. The length of the branches can indicate the amount of evolutionary change or time that has passed since the divergence from a common ancestor. Branching tree diagrams are valuable tools in understanding the evolutionary history and relationships between organisms. They provide a visual representation of the shared derived characteristics that define different groups and allow scientists to study patterns of evolution and common ancestry. These diagrams are used in various fields such as biology, paleontology, and taxonomy to classify and identify the relationships between different organisms.

Scientists group species on an evolutionary tree based on what?

gene similarities, physical structures, and fossil record.

Related questions

What is phylogeny?

I think you mean phylogeny. Phylogeny is the evolutionary history of a species or group of related species.

What is a cladogram?

A cladogram is a diagram that shows the evolutionary relationships among a group of organisms. a diagram showing evolutionary relationships

What are the phylogenetics?

Phylogeny is the evolutionary history of a particular group of organisms or their genes. Phylogeny can be represented in a phylogenetic tree which graphically represents the lines of descent among organisms or their genes. Learn more at


Evolutionary relationships are traced in the classification of organisms. For classification of organisms, we look for similarities among organisms which allows us to group them. The more characteristics two species will have in common, the more closely they are related. It indicates that more closely two species are related, the more recently they would have had a common ancestor. Thus, classification of species is in fact a reflection of their evolutionary relationship.

How are the areas of study-evolution and classification-interlinked?

Evolutionary relationships are traced in the classification of organisms. For classification of organisms, we look for similarities among organisms which allows us to group them. The more characteristics two species will have in common, the more closely they are related. It indicates that more closely two species are related, the more recently they would have had a common ancestor. Thus, classification of species is in fact a reflection of their evolutionary relationship.

What are the aims of biological classification?

1. to know the evolutionary relationship of living organisms.2. to describe all species conveniently.The scientific grouping of organisms has some specific advantages. It makes the study of living organisms convenient.It helps in the specific identification of any given organism.The study of a few representatives from each distinct group helps us to integrate the idea of life as a whole.It reveals the relationships among various groups of organisms.It provides information about plants and animals, which occur in specific geographical regions.It indicates the evolutionary relationship by establishing the gradually increasing complexity of form and structure in different groups of organisms.

What did newer classification systems group organisms by?

evolutionary relationships.

The differences between the taxonomy of a given group and its phylogeny?

Taxonomy is the science of naming and classifying organisms. It is done by looking at shared characteristics, such as morphological characters, against the background of biological diversity. It also takes phylogenetic relationships and DNA evidence into account.A phylogeny is the evolutionary history of a species or group of species. They separate organisms by evolutionary relationships (clades), based on comparative cytology and the comparison of DNA, morphological characters, and shared ancestral and derived characters.

Diagram based on derived characters?

Derived characters can be used to construct a cladogram. A cladogram is a diagram that shows the evolutionary relationships among a group of organisms. A cladogram is basically an evolutionary tree, much like a family tree.

Present- day taxonomists attempt to group organisms according to what?

Present-day taxonomists attempt to group organisms according to their evolutionary relationships, genetic similarities, and shared characteristics. This helps to organize and classify living organisms into hierarchical categories based on their shared ancestry and unique characteristics.

Does phylogeny describe the evolutionary history of a group of related organisms?

internal for Plato users

What group of organisms reproduce only among themselves?
