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Q: What is the exposition of the cathedral story?
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Where is exposition in a story?

Generally in the beginning of the story, exposition refers to the establishment of the setting and characters of the piece.

what is an exposition in a short story?

The exposition in a story is a set of scenes that are meant to introduce the audience to the characters, world, and tone of the story

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What is the first part of a short story called?

The beginning of a story is called the exposition - it's when you are introduced to the characters and the setting and the conflict of the story.

Which part of plot is also called the exposition?

Exposition is not part of the plot. Exposition is where things are explained to the reader, most often by the narrator but also by characters in the story. Usually exposition is concerned with setting.

What is a story's exposition?

The exposition of a story is the background, or "backstory"--what you need to know about the characters' past in order to understand why they behave the way they do in the story as it unfolds. Flashbacks--memories of events from a character's past--are often used for exposition.

What is story's exposition?

The exposition of a story is the background, or "backstory"--what you need to know about the characters' past in order to understand why they behave the way they do in the story as it unfolds. Flashbacks--memories of events from a character's past--are often used for exposition.

What is contained in the exposition of a story?

in the exposition the setting, main characters, and the conflict are revealed

What is the exposition of Plays?

The exposition of a story explains parts of the story that the reader needs. This includes character backgrounds, settings, and dialogue.

What is the theme of Cathedral?

The theme of Cathedral is alienation and loneliness. Raymond Carver is the author of Cathedral. He wrote the short story in 1983.