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Future Shop's extended warranty is an extra feature which allows you to extend the warranty of a product by a certain amount of time. In case the HP charger breaks within that time frame Future Shop will replace or repair it.

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Q: What is the extended warranty offer by Future Shop for a charger for an HP laptop?
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Are extended warranties available for student laptop packages?

Almost any laptop purchased, including those purchased specifically for student usage, come with the option to purchase an additional extended warranty. Oftentimes the company selling the laptop, such as Apple, HP, or Dell, will offer one extended warranty, while the third-party company, if one was use, to sell the laptop will offer an addition extended warranty.

Should you get an extended warranty on a laptop computer?

That's really a personal preference, but I usually get extended warranties on any electronics stuff

Can any laptop charger charge toshiba laptop?

No, your charger will have to be a Toshiba charger

How important is buying the extended warranty with a new laptop computer?

You should always get it as they tend to break at the 2yr mark.

Importance of an Extended Warranty for Laptop Sale Purchases?

While shopping for a good computer laptop sale, keep in mind that the lowest priced laptop is not always the best choice. Make certain the computer has enough hard drive space to complete the necessary tasks and has all the programs that are desired. Purchase an extended warranty on computer laptops. Laptops are not as durable as desktop computers and often need service. The warranty will likely come in handy.

Should I buy a warrantee when purchasing a refurbished laptop computer?

Generally, you will get a limited warranty when you buy the laptop computer. Also, you can buy one for an extended time when you checkout as well!

Can I buy the best value laptop of 2011 online?

The best laptop of 2011 is the Toshiba 360. Its available at and even cheaper value at I would recommend the extended warranty.

Does Best Buy offer a small cheap laptop?

The cheapest laptop I could find from the Best Buy website costs $329.99. You might have to pay a little extra for an extended warranty.

How long is the Dell warranty?

The manufacturer's warranty on the new Dell Precision laptop is a one year warranty. If you have trouble with the laptop after the fir st year you can purchase an extended warranty for a fee on the hardware parts.

Should you buy an Extended warranty on laptops?

Yes you should, laptops are very sensitive and could break down out of nearly nothing. My laptops hard drive broke down from having dust in the fan. If i would of bought the extended warranty then i could of replaced my old laptop with a free new one, but no. Now i have to buy a whole new laptop!!

If u buy a laptop does it have the battery charger and the charger?

the battery charger and the charger are the same thing. the charger charges the battery and the laptop runs off the power from the battery. hope this helps

Is it possible to exchange the toshiba laptop charger with the Lenovo laptop charger. will that be a problem?

Yes, if the output voltage and ampage are the same, at the same time, the dc connector is the same. Otherwise don't use a toshiba laptop charger to plug in a lenovo laptop charger.