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The urethra passes the urine out of the body.

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he male organ for urinating and ejaculating semen and sperm is called the "Penis".

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The male organ for urinating and ejaculating semen and sperm is called the "Penis".

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the Northern Dispersal Tentacle

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The penis.

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Q: What is the external organ through which urine and sperm pass out of the body?
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What male organ through sperm passes to the female?

Urethra in the males serves as a common passage for both urine and sperms.

What is the structure in which sperm and wastes empty?

Sperm get mixed with fluids and become semen. Then they (sperm in the semen) are ejected out of the same organ from which liquid waste called urine gets emptied in males. It's the multipurpose organ called the penis.

Primary organ of excretion is the?

Kidney - through urine.

If someone sperm comes out through urine in public toilet can he catch aids?

Sperm can't come out through urine. Even if it could, you wouldn't be able to catch it from a toilet.

What organ eliminat urine from the body through a tube?


At what part does sperm leave the body through?

Sperm leave the body through the urethra. The same place that urine also leaves the body.

What is the name of the opening through which sperm and eggs pass in a frog?

There is a common opening,The Cloaca,through which feces,urine,sperm and egg pass.

Does the sperm leave the male reproductive system through the penis?

Yes, sperm leaves the male reproductive system through the penis. The urethra may carry sperm or urine.

Is an elastic muscular organ that holds urine?

It is the bladder.

Which tube carries both semen and urine?

The male urethra.Urethra.The urethra is the common passageway for urine and semen in males (only).The impulse to expel waste or reproduce.urethraThe penis is the organ that discharges both urine and semen, at least in a male.Semen joins the male urethra in the part that runs through the prostate, the prostatic urethra. From here it shares its pathway with urine, through intermediate urethra then the spongey urethra. The ony part that the urine has entirely to itself is the intramual part that runs through the bladder wall.The urethra.The urethra transports both semen and urine in males.The penis is the organ and there is tube within the penis called URETHRA where sperm and urine discharge

What is the external meatus?

The external opening through which urine and seminal fluid (in males only) leave the body.

What materials exit the body's system through the cloaca?

Waste, sperm and urine are materials that exit the frog through the cloaca.