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The muscle that circles underneath the eyeball is the inferior oblique. The purpose of the inferior oblique is to move the eye upward.

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Q: What is the extrinsic eye muscle that circles the bottom part of the eyeball?
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c. move the eyeball, reference: -noun Anatomy. any of six small muscles that control the horizontal, vertical, and rotating movements of the eyeball.Also called extraocular muscle.

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Inferior Oblique Human & Physiology Lab Manual, Cat Edition 10th Edition p365

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What extrinsic eye muscle turns the eye medially?

The Medial Rectus.

Which extrinsic eye muscle turns the eye laterally?

The inferior oblique muscle, which is located in the anterior portion beneath the eye (hence the inferior in the name). Its full Latin name is obliquus oculi inferior.

What extrinsic eye muscle would cause lateral strabismus of the right eye?

lateral rectus