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In the tale of Tungkung Langit and Alunsina, the falling action occurs when Tungkung Langit decides to abandon his responsibilities in the sky world due to his grief over Alunsina's departure. This leads to the deterioration of the world he upholds, causing chaos and imbalance among the different elements. Ultimately, it sets the stage for a resolution where order is restored through the creation of the mortal world and the beings that inhabit it.

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Q: What is the falling action in the story of tunkung langit and alunsina?
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Alunsina sent a breeze to spy on Tungkung Langit because she suspected that he was having an affair with another diwata. She wanted to confirm her suspicions before taking any further action.

How do you compare and contrast tungkung langit and alunsina?

Tungkung Langit and Alunsina are both deities in Philippine mythology, with Tungkung Langit representing the god of the sky and Alunsina as the goddess of the sea. While Tungkung Langit is characterized as being responsible and diligent in maintaining order in the sky, Alunsina is described as being capricious and easily angered. Tungkung Langit's consistent nature contrasts with Alunsina's unpredictable behavior, highlighting the balance between stability and chaos in the mythological world.

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tungkung langit represents the traditional man...while alunsina represents the traditional women.

What did Tungkung Langit do to find his lost Alunsina?

He make the world for Alunsina. He make he the world because he loves so much Alunsina

What could happen to alunsina in the end of the story of Tungkung langit and alunsina?

In some versions of the story, Alunsina faces punishment or demise for her infidelity or disobedience to Tungkung Langit. This can vary from being banished to the underworld, transformed into an immobile object, or even disappearing entirely.

What is the summary of Tungkung Langit and Alunsina location?

In Philippine mythology, Tungkung Langit was a god who lived in the sky, while Alunsina was a goddess who resided on Earth. They were husband and wife, but their relationship turned tumultuous leading to Tungkung Langit leaving Alunsina on Earth, causing storms and natural disasters as he wept in the sky.

What is the lesson learned on the story of tungkung langit at alunsina?

One lesson from the story of Tungkung Langit and Alunsina is the importance of communication and compromise in relationships. Tungkung Langit's inability to understand and fulfill Alunsina's needs led to their separation, showing that misunderstandings and lack of effort to address issues can lead to negative consequences. Another lesson is the impact of loss and longing, as Tungkung Langit's sorrow and longing for Alunsina highlight the pain that comes with separation from a loved one.

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What are the figure of speech used in the story of tungkung langit at alunsina?


What is the summary of Tungkung Langit and Alunsina?

Learn to give way to others.

What is the climax of the story Alusina and Tungkung Langit?

tungkung 의 langit 및 alunsina 의 유사성 은 hghdf hghdh hgdf dgfd HDG 있습니다