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The genus is Varicellovirus and the species is human herpesvirus 3, also known as varicella zoster virus.

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10y ago

Chickenpox virus (varicella zoster virus) is in the herpesvirus family.

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11y ago

The chicken pox virus is known as Vericella zoster.

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WHO is the carer of chickenpox?

Typically, parents or other family members care for patients with chickenpox.

What group is chickenpox in?

Chickenpox virus (varicella zoster virus) is in the herpes virus family.

Can you get mono if you have had chickenpox?

Yes, you can get mono if you have had chickenpox. They are caused by different viruses in the herpesvirus family.

Can you eat chicken soup when you have chickenpox?

Chickenpox is contagious by droplet transmission. You should not cook if you have chickenpox unless everyone in your family is immune.

What type of herpes is related to chickenpox?

Herpes simplex type one is one virus in the herpesvirus family. Chickenpox is caused by varicella zoster virus, which is in the same virus family.

What kind of virus is chickenpox?

Chickenpox is caused by varicella zoster virus, which is a DNA virus and a member of the herpesvirus family.

Does chickenpox belong in the herpesviridae family?

Chickenpox is one of eight herpes viruses known to infect humans and vertebrates.

Does varicella zoster virus cause chickenpox?

Yes, chickenpox is caused by varicella zoster virus (VZV). VZV is a virus in the herpes family.

What virus is similar to chickenpox?

Chickenpox is a member of the herpes virus family, which includes herpes simplex virus and Epstein-Barr virus.

Can you transmit chickenpox to someone else when you have been in contact with someone with chickenpox?

You can only transmit chickenpox to someone if you have the chickenpox yourself.Once you had chicken pox you can not get it again-that is what is believed by doctors and scientists. You should be vaccinated for it because if you were not and did not have it when you were young you can get it when you are elderly but it is worse and called "shingles."

What plant cures chickenpox?

There is no known cure for chickenpox. A vaccine was invented in 1974 to prevent chickenpox, and medications were invented in the late 20th century to treat chickenpox and other viruses in the herpesvirus family. However, chickenpox is a virus that remains in your body for life and can cause shingles later. There is no viral "cure" that eliminates the virus, although your immune system clears chickenpox disease within one or two weeks.

Is there a food that cures chickenpox?

There is no known cure for chickenpox. A vaccine was invented in 1974 to prevent chickenpox, and medications were invented in the late 20th century to treat chickenpox and other viruses in the herpesvirus family. However, chickenpox is a virus that remains in your body for life and can cause shingles later. There is no viral "cure" that eliminates the virus, although your immune system clears chickenpox disease within one or two weeks.