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The Temporalis

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Q: What is the fan shaped muscle over the temporal bone?
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Which muscles originate on the Zygomatic arch?

The zygomatic arch supports the main jaw muscle, the masseter, which is necessary both for biting and chewing food and for speech. Several other facial muscles attach to the zygomatic bone, as well.

What muscle covers your bone?

There are over 650 muscles in your body. You're going to have to be a lot more specific if you want the correct answer. Which bone? On which side of the bone? Where does it insert?

What is the action and position of the frontails?

The position of the frontalis is over the frontal bone or the forehead. This muscle works with the occipitalis which is over the occipital bone in the back of the head. It's action is to elevate the eyebrows.

What criteria is used in naming muscles?

1. Direction of the muscle fibers - Muscles named for the directional relationship with imaginary midline division of the body. EX: rectus femoris is the straight muscle of the thigh.2. Relative size of the muscle - Large (maximus), small (minimus), and length (longus) terms are used to describe the muscle's size relative to those around it. EX: gluteus maximus.3. Location of the muscle - Muscles can be named for the bone with which they are associated. EX: the temporalis muscle lays over the temporal bone of the skull.4. Number of origins - The number of origins (starting points) a muscle has determines its name. EX: a Bicep has TWO points of origin.5. Location of the muscle's origin and insertion - Named for its starting point(s) [origin] and its ending [insertion] point. EX: The sternocleidomastoid has origins in the sternumand clavicle and is ended, or inserted, on the mastoid process of the temporal bone.6. Shape of the muscle - Named for a distinct shape. EX: The deltoid is a rough triangular shape. [Deltoid = Triangle in Latin]7. Action of the muscle - Terms like, flexor, extensor, and adductor are used to name muscles based on their movement. EX: Extensor muscles of the wrist extend the wrist.

What are the differences between temporal and non-temporal art works?

Non-temporal works stay the same; temporal works take place over a specific time.

What is the meaning of temporal correlation?

The temporal correlation would measure the similarity of one signal over time.

Distinguish between tendons and ligament?

Tendons join muscles to bones in the body, whereas ligaments join bones to each other. The term ligament is also used loosely in medical anatomy to mean various types of suspensory structures, such as the broad ligament of the uterus which isn't really a ligament at all, rather a double-fold of the peritoneum.

What does temporal extension mean?

Temporal extension is when a adult woman, usually over 40, defecates on a mans genitals.

Where are the deltoid muscles located?

The Deltoid muscle is a large triangular shaped muscle which lies over the glenohumeral joint and which gives the shoulder its rounded countour, its probably located on the uppermost part of the arm and the top of the shoulder

Why are there more indirect-that is tendinous- muscle attachments that direct muscle attachments?

The deltoid muscle attaches to the anterior and lateral acromion primarily by direct tendinous attachment. The muscle attaches to the dorsal side of the acromion by periosteal fiber attachment.

What is temporal validity?

Temporal validity is a type of external validity that refers to whether findings from a study hold true over time.

What could cause a deep abscess or hole in your hip?

Are you referring to the hip bone or the skin or muscle over the hip? I'd need more information to answer this.