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Q: What is the farthest point from earth in the moons orbit?
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Farthest point from Earth of the moon's orbit?


When the moon is farthest from the earth this point is what?

The point in the Moon's orbit where it is furthest from the Earth is called the apogee.

What is the point when earth is closest to the sun calles?

That's the point in Earth's orbit called "perihelion".The point in the orbit that's farthest from the sun is "aphelion".

Why is there perigee?

The moons orbit is not a circle its an ellipse. One of the sides of the elliptical orbit is 50,000 miles closer to earth. The moon reaches this spot on its orbit once every 18 years give or take. Hence, at some point in it's orbit, it is the farthest from earth, and at another point is it closest to earth. "Apogee" is when it is at it's furthest point from earth, "perigee" is when it's closest. It went through perigee just the other night.

The point Earth is farthest away from the Moon in its orbit is called what?

The point in the orbit of the moon or of an artificial satellite that is most distant from the center of the earth is called the 'apogee'.

When the Earth is in its orbit and is at its closest point to the sun it is said to be at?

The earth's orbit around the sun is not a perfect circle, so there is a point at which we are nearest to the sun, and a point at which we are farthest from it. The point in the orbit at which we are nearest the sun is called "perihelion". The earth passes that point at some time during the first few days in January. In 2011, it happened on January 3. The point in the orbit at which we are farthest from the sun is called "aphelion". We pass it at some time during the first few days of July.

What is the point in the moon is farthest from the earth?

The point in a body's orbit when it is farthest from its primary is apoapsis. For the specific case of a body orbiting Earth, you can also use the term apogee.

What is the literal meaning of apogee?

the point of the moon's orbit when it is farthest away from earth

What is it called when the moon is the farthest away from the earth?

It is called Apsis. The point in the moon's orbit where that happens is the apogee of the orbit.

What is the farthest that the Earth can be from the Sun?

The Earth's aphelion - the farthest its present orbit takes it from the Sun - is 152,097,701 kilometres. The other point, the perihelion - the nearest it gets to the Sun on its present orbit - is 147,098,074 kilometres

At which point in its orbit does earth move slowest?

Any object in a closed orbit moves slowest when it's at the point farthest away from the central body.If the central body happens to be the sun, then the point in the orbit that's farthest from the sun iscalled "aphelion". The earth passes aphelion on July 3 or 4.

What is the opposite of apogee?

Perigee is the opposite of appogee. Perigee is the point in the orbit of the moon at which it is nearest to the earth. Apogee the point in the orbit of the moon at which it is furthest from the earth.