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Relative to what?

Mercury is the fasted in relation to it's orbit at 48 km/s

Jupiter is moving relative to itself at 12.6 km/s

The Solar System in relation to the galactic core is revolving at 230 km/s.

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Q: What is the fast moving planet in your solar system?
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Can a rogue planet end up in our solar system?

It is possible but highly unlikely. A rogue planet that enters the solar system would generally be moving too fast to be captured by the sun's gravity and so would continue out of the solar system unless it is slowed down by a gravitational encounter with one of the planets already here.

Which planet has a 7 hr day?

In our solar system, no planet spins that fast - the planet with the shortest day (or rotational period) would be Jupiter - but it is just under 10 hours.

What is the fast rotating planet?

There is a planet not of our solar system that orbits it's sun within four of our days. So a year for that plant is only four days here on earth.

How fast are the winds in neptune in kilometres?

The strongest sustained winds of any planet in the Solar System; as high as 2100 km per hour.

How fast is planet earth moving?

66,000MPH or 107,200 KM/HR

How fast is your solar system traveling in your orbit?

Our Solar System revolves around the Galactic Centre. See related questions.

How fast is the solar system moving around the milky way?

about 4 000 000 miles p/h I thiknk I am nopt good with my maths sooo...

How fast can your current solar system travel?

20,000 mph

How fast does hale- bopp travel?

That depends on where in its orbit the comet is. Near the Sun, the comet was moving VERY fast indeed, but in 1200 years or so, a few hundred AU from the Sun, it will hardly be moving at all. And then it will begin to make its long fall back into the inner solar system.

Which planet spins as fast as the Earth?

Mars is about the closest to the Earth's rotation among the planets in our solar system. Earth spins in 24 hours; Mars takes 24 hours 40 minutes.

Is the world spinning really fast right now?

Really fast is a relative term. But at the equator, relative to the other bodies in the solar system, the earth is moving at a rate a little greater than 1000 miles per hour. Most would consider that really fast.

What is a fast moving stream of particles released into space from the surface of sun?

it's called a solar wind.