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Q: What is the fear of large arguments called?
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Related questions

What is the fear of large slides?

isn't really a fear for that. but there is a fear for large objects in general . it is called megalophobia.

What is the fear of being in big spaces called?

the fear of large rooms, with high ceilings such as being inside cathedral like rooms is called meglaphobia.....

What is the fear of large statues standing in water called?


What is the fear of big things?

It's called Cynophobia. It tells you all about it here:

What is the fear of large crowds called?

Some people have a fear of large crowds. This is known as Agoraphobia. It is an anxiety disorder characterized by anxiety in situations where the sufferer perceives certain environments as dangerous or uncomfortable. This is often due to the environment's vast openness or crowdedness.

What is the fear of large statues?

Yes, the phobia of wax figures does exist.This is called automatonophobia and is specifically the fear of human-like figures.

What is the fear of boogers called?

There is no word for the fear of boogers

What is the phobia called that is fear of tigers?

The fear of lions is called agrizoophobia. This phobia is not specific on animals but means to be afraid of wild animals.

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what is the fear of dusbins called ?

What is the fear of fears called?

The fear of fears is called phobophobia. It is the fear of getting a phobia.

What is the fear of electronics called?

The fear of electronics is called technophobia

What is the fear of nuns called?

the fear of nuns is called "monachousaphobia"