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Though the fear of breaking nails is more common than most realize, there is no official name for such a phobia.

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4y ago

This could be related the related to traumatophobia

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Q: What is the fear of wearing nail polish?
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What do you call someone with a fear of people wearing nail polish?

There is no specific name for someone with a fear of people wearing nail polish. This is a very common phobia that people have. ÊAlektorophobia is the fear of chickens.

What is the purpose of dry nail polish?

Clear nail polish is great if you want your nails to look shiny and feel smooth without actually wearing a colored nail polish. Also, applying clear nail polish over a nail polish color you are wearing preserves the colored nail polish for a longer amount of time.

Is nail polish allowed in allstar cheerleading?

At meets, some judges will take a deduction for wearing nail polish, but it is okay to train whilewearing nail polish.

Is food safe when wearing nail polish that peels during food preparation?

Food is not safe when handling food while wearing nail polish. Nail polish is a toxic substance that should stay away from food at all times. It is better to wear gloves.

Does Kristen Stewart wear nailpolish?

yeah she wears nail polish. Although in a bunch of pictures she is usually wearing black nail polish.

Can nail polish damage your nail?

Over long periods of time, nail polish can possibly damage a nail. Wearing nail polish constantly does not let the nail breathe and the nail can turn a yellow color. As long as you make sure to let your nails breathe once in a while, you should be fine!

What is your opinion about male and nail polish?

My personal opinion of men in nail polish is that it is a little bizarre. When I se a man with anything on his nails, I think, "why the heck is a guy wearing nail polish!?" But this is just my opinion. Hope I helped you!

What nail polish colors are ugly and which are pretty?

it depends on what your wearing and what you matches with everything(:

Is it gay to wear nailpolish?

No, wearing nail polish does not determine someone's sexual orientation. Nail polish is a form of self-expression and can be worn by anyone, regardless of their sexual identity.

What does a clear polish do?

Clear nail polish is a special coat of nail polish to protect the other coat of nail polish

What is fizz nail polish?

Fizz nail polish is not a different type of nail polish, its just the Companys Name (the Company produces the fizz nail polish).

why is nail polish called nail polish?

It is polish that goes on your nails. and the nail gods named it that so...