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efferent (motor)

I'm guessing it's choice B in your packet?

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Sensory fiber

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Efferent (sensory) fibers

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motor neurons

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Afferent (sensory) fibers

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Q: What is the fiber type in the dorsal root?
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Damage to this fiber type would lead to a loss of sensory function?

ventral root of a spinal nerve

Neuron type in dorsal root ganglion?


What is a dorsal root and what type of neuron is found within this structure?


Explain why the dorsal root ganglions are larger in diameter than the dorsal root?

Dorsal root ganglia contain cell bodies of sensory neurons, which are larger and more complex structures compared to the dorsal root that mainly consists of nerve fibers. The ganglia need more space to accommodate the cell bodies and additional structures like satellite cells and glial cells, leading to their larger diameter compared to the dorsal root.

Neuron type in dorsal root ganglian?

both afferent ( sensory) and efferent (motor)

What fiber type in ventral root?

Efferent or Motor

Where are large groups of neuron cell bodies found?

In the dorsal root ganglia. The dorsal root ganglia is located in the dorsal root. The cells carry sensory signals to the spinal cord.

Name the structure that is the sensory ganglion of each dorsal root?

Dorsal root ganglion

Cell bodies of sensory neurons are found where?

Cell bodies of sensory neurons are typically found in ganglia outside the central nervous system. This allows them to receive and transmit sensory information from various parts of the body to the central nervous system for processing.

Where do sensory nerve fibers enter the spinal cord?

The dorsal column or medial lemniscus.

What does the dorsal root of the spinal cord carry?

The dorsal root of the spinal nerves carry sensory information to the brain and is hence an afferent pathway.

What is the difference between the dorsal root the ventral root and the dorsal root ganglion?

Ventral root is the ventral portion of spinal cord,there is no ganglion,cell body is of motor types ,cell info goes out of spinal cord of anterior horn. dorsal root is dorsal portion of spinal cord,it posses ganglion,cell body is of sensory types,information goes into spinal cord posterior horn