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Q: What is the fifth largest continent on Earth?
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What are the earth's fifth largest continent?


Is Antarctica the largest land mass?

No, it is the fifth largest continent on earth.

What is the fifth largest coninent?

Antarctica is the fifth largest continent

What is the 5th largest continent?

Antarctica is the fifth largest continent

Where does Antarctica rank among other continents in terms of sea?

Antarctica ranks second in size among the continents in terms of sea ice coverage, after the Arctic. It contains about 70% of the world's fresh water in the form of ice, making it a crucial region for global climate regulation.

Which continent is the fifth largest continent?

Antarctica is the fifth largest. Go to to see the continent sizes ordered from 1-7.

What is Antarctica's relative size?

Antarctica is the fifth largest continent on earth, and is about the size of USA and Mexico, combined.

What is the fifth largest continent?


What is the fifth largest continent in the world?


Is the Antarctica ocean the southern ocean?

No. Antarctica is a continent, one of the seven on earth, the fifth largest. It is surrounded by the Southern Ocean.

Is Antarctica the third largest continent in the world?

Ranked by size, the continents on earth are Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia. This means that Antarctica is the fifth largest continent.

What is the third largest continent on earth?

north America is the third largest continent on earth.